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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: action plan FLSHS volunteering, students balance social support/wellbeing, select focus groups /leadership teams /??? attractors for staff and students ???? sort out the ends and means debate the matrix problem vertical /horizontal semantics and ATTRACTION /SEXY IDEAS TO ENGAGE MY view for what its worth PROJECT MANAGEMENT IS A TOOL /SKILL/CAPABILITY THAT RUNS ACROSS WORK ED AND VOLUNTEERING IRRESPECTIVE OF THE ACTIVITY THAT ENGAGES PASSION OF THE PLAYERS, ACTIVE VOLUNTEERING THE COMPELLING ARGUMENT WHY are we doing this ! Who benefits /contributes ? What results do we want/How will we demonstrate success?? How do we deliver the results we want ? Develop the metrics of success @ input,output,outcome & impact levels teachers, ACTIVE VOLUNTEERING THE COMPELLING ARGUMENT WHY are we doing this ! Who benefits /contributes ? What results do we want/How will we demonstrate success?? How do we deliver the results we want ? Develop the metrics of success @ input,output,outcome & impact levels students, ACTIVE VOLUNTEERING THE COMPELLING ARGUMENT WHY are we doing this ! Who benefits /contributes ? What results do we want/How will we demonstrate success?? How do we deliver the results we want ? Engage the right people in program design FLSHS STAFF, internal provision term 1 2011 to allow external partnership building time as a resource 70 MINUTES 1 PERIOD A WEEK, PACIFIC iSLANDER MENTORSHIP the capabilities undedrpinning the attractor second ALIGN EVIDENCE SOURCES TO QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS, students balance teachers, Corinda SHS key concepts needing decisions @ FLSHS expensive allocation of 0.6 teacher time to program administration "retrieval" redefinition of roles and responsibilities of HOD and VET admin internally, timetabling /scheduling ???? internal provision term 1 2011 to allow external partnership building, students balance recognition and reward points scoring smart card loyalty system ??, Primary feeder schools volunteering opportunities sports /music coaching mentoring etc, Appreciate the congruence of " volunteering " with school espoused and enacted values /ethos ???? Prepared Respected Included Dedicated Educated, select focus groups /leadership teams /??? attractors for staff and students THE PORTFOLIO OF OPTIONS sort out the ends and means debate the matrix problem vertical /horizontal semantics and ATTRACTION /SEXY IDEAS TO ENGAGE MY view for what its worth PROJECT MANAGEMENT IS A TOOL /SKILL/CAPABILITY THAT RUNS ACROSS WORK ED AND VOLUNTEERING IRRESPECTIVE OF THE ACTIVITY THAT ENGAGES PASSION OF THE PLAYERS, Students/parents belonging in a big school SENSE OF IDENTITY, select focus groups /leadership teams /??? attractors for staff and students THE PORTFOLIO OF OPTIONS CULTURAL LEADERSHIP, select focus groups /leadership teams /??? attractors for staff and students THE PORTFOLIO OF OPTIONS future TECHNOLOGY, Volunteering QLD positioning as a partner access to potential funds for resilient communities & disaster management FLSHS buid in language of these programs BB to explore and report back Wednesday, ACTIVE VOLUNTEERING THE COMPELLING ARGUMENT WHY are we doing this ! Who benefits /contributes ? What results do we want/How will we demonstrate success?? How do we deliver the results we want ? Engage the right people in program design Volunteering QLD, ACTIVE VOLUNTEERING THE COMPELLING ARGUMENT WHY are we doing this ! Who benefits /contributes ? What results do we want/How will we demonstrate success?? How do we deliver the results we want ? Engage the right people in program design Primary feeder schools