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Este Cmap, tiene informaciĆ³n relacionada con: EVideo Class, movie can be used as example of concept, real-time video such as Industry, Industry such as Factory tour, movie eg fantastic voyage, in-lecture videos of experiments performed during class, Use of video in the classroom examples include movie, real-time video such as expert, real-time video such as Laboratoy, Use of video in the classroom examples include in-lecture videos, expert from another country/location/industry, Use of video in the classroom examples include real-time video, movie can be used as prompt for questions, Laboratoy allows students to see potential dangerous, or expensive, or a range of experiments, Use of video in the classroom examples include news/information video, news/information video eg market Watch, news/information video can be used to show students what's happening in companies, experiments performed during class allows Students to review/reflect, movie can be used as introduction to topic