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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: OPERATIONAL PROTOCOLS.cmap, LOGIC MAP congruence across the fractals EVALUATION AND REPORTING, BUSINESS & INDUSTRY TRIANGULATE PERCEPTIONS COMMUNITY, DRAW CROSS CASE CONCLUSIONS MODIFY ASSUMPTIONS/THEORY DEVELOP POLICY/PROCEDURAL RECOMMENDATIONS evaluation CASE STUDY REPORT • promote good practice throughout the Partnership Broker network • promote to Partnership Broker stakeholders the benefits to be gained through entering into partnerships • inform the public of the benefits being delivered by the Partnership Broker network • inform program management and policy development • inform the Minister of the achievements of the Partnership Broker network., THE RESEARCH QUESTIONS congruence of methodology with purpose WHY IS THIS HAPPENING ? WHY ARE WE DOING THIS ?, DATA COLLECTION ,STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL do things once MULTIPLE EVIDENCE SOURCES document analysis;literature review ; direct observation ;interviews;artefacts;, BUSINESS & INDUSTRY TRIANGULATE PERCEPTIONS, THE RESEARCH QUESTIONS congruence of methodology with purpose WHO IS INVOLVED ? WHO MAKES THE COMPLEMENTTARY CONTRIBUTIONS ? WHO BENEFITS ?, REPORTING consider PURPOSE, EVALUATION AND REPORTING inclusive learning approaches SHARING, A CROSS CASE ANALYSIS NOT MULTIPLE CASE STUDIES integrated information system DEEWR PROGRAM ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT Reporting the Impact on Young People’s Education and Transition Outcomes The Department will prepare quarterly reports on 31 March , 30 June, 30 September and 31 December for each year contracted., A CROSS CASE ANALYSIS NOT MULTIPLE CASE STUDIES integrated information system 3 THE LOGIC MAP ALIGNS ASSUMPTIONS ,ACTIONS /INPUTS , OUTPUTS ,OUTCOMES & PROGRAM INTENDED IMPACTS AND THE ASSOCIATED PERFORMANCE METRICS BOUNDING OUR COLLECTIVE ACCOUNTABILITIES. IT MAKE OUR THEORY OF CHANGE TRANSPARENT, ETHICAL PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION our culture SIMPLE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT FOR PB, THE RESEARCH QUESTIONS congruence of methodology with purpose HOW DO WE DELIVER THE RESULTS WE WANT ?, REPORTING consider AUDIENCE, Data Set 3 Next step data for school ??? EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REPORT Data Set 2 NAPLAN Data for individuals ,intervention cohort ; cf national benchmarks, COMPUTER ASSITED TOOLS visual data presentation NODEXL, Data Set 3 Next step data for school ??? EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REPORT Data Set 10 Relevant ES data, LOGIC MAP congruence across the fractals DEEWR PROGRAM LOGIC, THE UNIT OF ANALYSIS WHO contributes /WHO benefits ???? THE RESEARCH QUESTIONS, REPORTING consider MODE /FORMAT /STRUCTURE