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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: AA ROADMAP OF OUR THINKING, THE RIGHT THINGS ???? IH SCHOLARSHIPS/LEADERSHIP, THE RIGHT THINGS ???? COMMUNITIES OF CULTURE, CORE CONNECTORS IN THE SW Who are the people with passion ,commitment and capability to address local needs AND deliver mandated program outcomes? EDUCATION & TRAINING, CONSCIOUS CHOICE OF AN APPROACH The position we adopted Build relationships with core connectors through networks, Amplify the strengths of existing protective factors OF OUR PRIMARY CLIENTS 15-24 YEAR OLDS Dampen risk factors for Low SES students What evidence base should inform our thinking / expand our options/ leave a residual capability base? SOME PRACTICAL TOOLS FOR BROKERING, CORE CONNECTORS IN THE SW The people with the capability to add value? Build relationships with core connectors through networks, THE RIGHT THINGS ???? RDA FORUM, CONSCIOUS CHOICE OF AN APPROACH The position we adopted Balance top down with appreciation that " What is - IS!!!" community engagement strength base /asset based, CONSCIOUS CHOICE OF AN APPROACH The position we adopted Amplify the strengths of existing protective factors OF OUR PRIMARY CLIENTS 15-24 YEAR OLDS Dampen risk factors for Low SES students, CORE CONNECTORS IN THE SW Who are the people with passion ,commitment and capability to address local needs AND deliver mandated program outcomes? COMMUNITY, THE RIGHT THINGS ???? CRYPAR, Amplify the strengths of existing protective factors OF OUR PRIMARY CLIENTS 15-24 YEAR OLDS Dampen risk factors for Low SES students What evidence base should inform our thinking / expand our options/ leave a residual capability base? Build relationships with core connectors through networks, CORE CONNECTORS IN THE SW Who are the people with passion ,commitment and capability to address local needs AND deliver mandated program outcomes? BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY, CORE CONNECTORS IN THE SW The people with the capability to add value? THE RIGHT PEOPLE, CORE CONNECTORS IN THE SW Who are the people with passion ,commitment and capability to address local needs AND deliver mandated program outcomes? STUDENTS/PARENTS/CARERS, Amplify the strengths of existing protective factors OF OUR PRIMARY CLIENTS 15-24 YEAR OLDS Dampen risk factors for Low SES students What evidence base should inform our thinking / expand our options/ leave a residual capability base? Balance top down with appreciation that " What is - IS!!!" community engagement strength base /asset based