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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.cmap, 22 October 2009 ???? to meet employers’ projected demand for skills over timeN IN HIGH GROWTH SCENARIOS a significant skills contribution is required from net migration and/or a structural lift in student participation rates is required., 22 October 2009 ???? An increase in the share of those employed who hold post-school qualifications has been evident over recent years. The share of those employed with post-school qualifications was 55.7% in 2003. By 2008 it was 59.7% - an increase of four percentage points over five years., WHY WHY WE DO ENGAGE DRIVERS FOR TRAINING & EDUCATION PROFITABVILITY/PRODUCTIVITY 155 STAFF MORALE 150 STAFF RETENTION 145 CUSTOMER SERVICE 110 MARKET SHARE 30 WHY WE DON'T ENGAGE ? barriers to school industry links 55% lack of time and resources 35 % lack of information 30% bureaucracy /laws 30% lack of coordinatioion These assumptions underpin perceptions of cause /effect PERCEPTIONS /ASSUMPTIONS MAJOR CHALLENGES AFFECTING YOUTH EDUCATION & DEVELOPMENT LACK OF MENTORING FROM PARENTS & FAMILY PARENTAL SUPPORT AND GUIDANCE DRUG & ALCOHOL ISSUES LACK OF REAL CAREER ADVICE AND SUPORT LANGUAGE & LITERACY SKILLS LACK OF RELEVANCE IN SCHOOL CURRICULUM LACK OF MENTORING FROM BUSINESS & INDUSTRY (93 % SUPPORT MORE INVOLVEMENT ) CAREER ADVISERS /PEERS RECENT APPRENTICESHIPS NEED TO DO MORE ECONOMIC HARDSHIP, STRENGTHS ???? ????, 22 October 2009 ???? PROJECTED EMPLOYMENT GROWTH BY INDUSTRY, STRENGTHS ???? CHALLENGES under resourced in schools not linked to national skills shortages no cross school coordination of approaches/policy poor upfront communication strategies within and across stakeholders SME acknowledge difficulties in resourcing students not job ready; not compentent ; poor literacy & numeracy skills students/parents employers angry at poor client service they receive, 22 October 2009 ???? COAG targets The projected demand for qualifications can be compared with some of the stated COAG and Australian government targets for skill development Target: by 2020 the proportion of persons aged 20-64 without qualifications at the Certificate III and above level would be halved. target is not achieved under these projections, even for the HIGH GROWTH doors scenario. The shortfall to the target in open doors in 2020 amounts to approximately 1,298,000 additional people who would require a Certificate III or above qualification (and are not otherwise projected as having one in 2020). To achieve the target on the demand side would require either still further skills deepening beyond that allowed for in these projections and/or a different industry/occupational profile of employment skewed further towards those industries and occupations which have a higher propensity to require Certificate III and above qualifications. Target: by 2020 the number of diploma and advanced diploma completions would be doubled. This target implies an additional 45,000 diploma and advanced diploma completions per annum (based on 2007 completion levels). The demographically based student demand projections show that the target would not be met under each of the scenarios., 22 October 2009 ???? UNDER ALL SCENARIOS A 2-3 % DROP IN 18- 25 YEARCOHORT BETWEEN 2010 AND 2015, 22 October 2009 ???? NET MIGRATION OF SKILLS POSITIVE PREDICTED EMPLOYMENT GROWTH PEAKS 2012 THENCE DECLINES TO 2025, STRENGTHS ???? SAT ENROLMENTS, 22 October 2009 ???? However the significant decline in the total labour force participation rate which would otherwise result over time suggests the additional training may largely pay for itself by postponing the workforce side of the fiscal effects of ageing, STRENGTHS ???? RECOMMENDATIONS APPLICABLE TO PB INTEGRATED STAKEHOLDER STRATEGIES POLICY AND GUIDELINES FOR MONITORING AND SUPPORT PEAK INDUSTRY BODIES COLLABORATE WITH SCHOOLS /SCHOOL CLUSTERS PD FOR COLLABORATION BETWEEN BUSINESS & SCHOOLS AND ACCREDITATION PROMOTION, STRENGTHS ???? SAT ENROLMENT TRENDS