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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: BLUE MOUNTAINS CASE STUDY.cmap, GOVERNANCE ECOLOGICAL MODELS LINKS ACROSS LEVELS ROI FOR ECE, CONTEXTUAL DRIVERS global research applied in local contexts provides the transparent ASSUMPTIONS The rights of children children who are educated, cared for and protected are more likely to grow into adults who contribute to their community’s economic and social development, CONTEXTUAL DRIVERS global research applied in local contexts provides the transparent ASSUMPTIONS International research neurobiology;earlyintervention new service system structure, based on collaboration and prevention, GOVERNANCE ECOLOGICAL MODELS LINKS ACROSS LEVELS ROI FOR ECE HOW ;SYSTEMS AND STRATEGIES;STRUCTURES A THEORY OF CHANGE Evidence based drivers - a compelling reason to do things differently from the lead agency perspective - frameworks based on networked multiorganisation structures: unite unaligned single organisational purposes into a higher-order group purpose staged implementation 2006-2010 through collaborative design of a 10 YEAR PLAN DYNAMIC;FLEXIBLE STAGE 1 creating the Alliance and identifying shared problems Governance of an excellent integrated service system include shared philosophy and culture, leadership, common language, joint vision, an effective network structure,governance structures, a shared plan, and the strategic use of different service networking relationships (networking/coordination/collaboration and integration).7,8,9 STAGE 2 direction setting Strategy ?? Soft entrance universal programming to be inclusive prior to specific targetted programs Alliance members are implementing the parts of the Plan most relevant to their organisation or network. Virtual Hubs use bottom-up community development principles with top-down parameters and governance a network of stand-alone services, civic organisations and business organisations with its nerve centre in a primary school, which becomes the focus for community development and child and family service provision a funded coordinator who works with a steering committee involving the school.The Alliance’s School prototyping – initiating smallscale projects to refine ideas divert renewable funding from services and programs into new multi-service programs (refocusing) l Seeking funding for demonstration projects that show services how to refocus their funding l Seeking funding to develop new evaluation and monitoring instruments that are tailored to the new integrated approach l Seeking sponsorship outside traditional funding sources, such as from local voluntary groups and the business and philanthropic sectors. STAGE 3 roles and responsibilities will be formalised, GOVERNANCE ECOLOGICAL MODELS LINKS ACROSS LEVELS ROI FOR ECE, CONTEXTUAL DRIVERS global research applied in local contexts provides the transparent ASSUMPTIONS Changes to family life Rapid change requires that child, family and community services design new forms of family engagement and social support., GOVERNANCE ECOLOGICAL MODELS LINKS ACROSS LEVELS ROI FOR ECE