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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: NATIONAL POLICY DRIVERS, A MAP OF THE NATIONAL POLICY DRIVERS IMPACTING ON GLENALA SHS STRATEGIC THINKING partnerships with local community groups and other agencies to ensure that students have access to appropriate pastoral, health and welfare, employment and other services support. In the case of low-SES schools with high numbers of indigenous students, brokers could be appointed to facilitate school-community partnership agreements; Family-School Partnerships Framework ;, A MAP OF THE NATIONAL POLICY DRIVERS IMPACTING ON GLENALA SHS STRATEGIC THINKING All children are engaged in and benefiting from schooling. The proportion of children enrolled in and attending school. Young people are meeting basic literacy and numeracy standards, and overall levels of literacy and numeracy achievement are improving. Literacy and numeracy achievement of Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students in national testing. Schooling promotes the social inclusion and reduces the education disadvantage of children, especially indigenous children. The proportion of Indigenous and Low SES children enrolled in and attending school . Literacy and numeracy achievement of Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 Indigenous and low SES students in national testing. The proportion of the 19-year-old Indigenous and low SES population having attained at least a Year 12 Certificate or equivalent or AQF Certificate II.The proportion of Indigenous students completing Year 10. Australian students excel by international standards. The proportion of students in the bottom and top levels of performance in international testing (e.g. Program for International Student Assessment , Trends inInternational Mathematics and Science Study). Young people make a successful transition from school to work and further study. The proportion of the 19-year-old population having attained at least a Year 12 or equivalent or AQF Certificate II. The proportion of young people participating in postschool education or training six months after school. The proportion of 18-24 year-olds engaged in full-time employment, education or training at or above Certificate III. NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT ON LOW SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS SCHOOL COMMUNITIES, School Business Community Partnership Brokers Program ???? National Partnership on Youth Attainment and Transitions,, A MAP OF THE NATIONAL POLICY DRIVERS IMPACTING ON GLENALA SHS STRATEGIC THINKING halve the gap for Indigenous students in reading, writing and numeracy within a decade; halve the gap for Indigenous students in year 12 attainment or equivalent attainment rates by 2020; NATIONAL INTEGRATED STRATEGY FOR CLOSING THE GAP IN INDIGENOUS DISADVANTAGE, A MAP OF THE NATIONAL POLICY DRIVERS IMPACTING ON GLENALA SHS STRATEGIC THINKING STANDARD 5. Engaging and working with the community Build a culture of high expectations that takes account of the richness and diversity of the school’s wider community and the education systems and sectors. Develop and maintain positive partnerships with students, families and carers, and all those associated with the school’s broader community. Ceate a culture of respect taking account of the intellectual, spiritual, physical, moral, social and cultural wellbeing of students. Recognise and use the rich and diverse linguistic and cultural resources in the school community.\ Recognise the multicultural nature of Australian people and promote understanding and reconciliation with Indigenous cultures. Recognise and support the needs of students, families and carers from more challenging circumstances. Make a contribution to the development of education at the system and sector levels. THE NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP ON IMPROVING TEACHER QUALITY, School Business Community Partnership Brokers Program ???? Youth Connections Program, A MAP OF THE NATIONAL POLICY DRIVERS IMPACTING ON GLENALA SHS STRATEGIC THINKING increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the health workforce NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT ON CLOSING THE GAP IN INDIGENOUS HEALTH OUTCOMES, National Partnership on Youth Attainment and Transitions, The National Youth Participation Requirement An entitlement to an education or training place for 15 to 24 year olds Strengthened participation requirements for some types of income support A MAP OF THE NATIONAL POLICY DRIVERS IMPACTING ON GLENALA SHS STRATEGIC THINKING