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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: acts, ???? An Act about the education of children and the participation of young people in education and training, and for other purposes, Child Protection (Offender Prohibition Order) Act 2008 Reprinted as in force on 1 July 2010 ???? An Act to provide for the protection of the lives of children and for their sexual safety, and to amend other Acts relating to the protection of children, Child Care Act 2002 Child Care Regulation 2003 Reprinted as in force on 1 April 2011 ???? An Act to regulate the provision of child care, and for related purpose, Education (Capital Assistance) Act 1993 Reprinted as in force on 1 December 2009 ???? An Act relating to the grant of capital assistance for capital projects to certain non-State schools, and for other purposes, Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian Act 2000 Reprinted as in force on 1 October 2010 ???? An Act to establish a Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian to promote and protect the rights, interests and wellbeing of children in Queensland, Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2001 Reprinted as in force on 1 April 2010 Reprint No. 4D ???? An Act to provide for the accreditation of non-State schools, and deciding the eligibility of non-State schools’ governing bodies for Government funding for the schools, and for other purposes standards and not for profit operation + accreditation, Child Protection Act 1999 Reprinted as in force on 29 November 2010 ???? An Act about the protection of children, and for other purposes, An Act to provide for the accreditation of non-State schools, and deciding the eligibility of non-State schools’ governing bodies for Government funding for the schools, and for other purposes standards and not for profit operation + accreditation ???? Governing body of provisionally accredited, or accredited, school (1) A school’s governing body may apply for the accreditation of the school. (2) To be eligible to apply, the governing body must be a corporation. (3) The governing body of a provisionally accredited, or accredited, school must always be a corporation. 1, Queensland Heritage Act 1992 Reprinted as in force on 4 April 2011 An Act to provide for the conservation of Queensland’s cultural heritage Building Act 1975 Reprinted as in force on 14 April 2011, Building Act 1975 Reprinted as in force on 14 April 2011 ???? An Act to regulate building development approvals, building work, building classification, building certifiers and pool safety inspectors, and to provide for particular matters about swimming pool safety and sustainable buildings, and for other purposes, Sustainable Planning Act 2009 Reprinted as in force on 14 April 2011 ???? Purpose of Act The purpose of this Act is to seek to achieve ecological sustainability by— (a) managing the process by which development takes place, including ensuring the process is accountable, effective and efficient and delivers sustainable outcomes; (b) managing the effects of development on the environment, including managing the use of premises; and (c) continuing the coordination and integration of planning at the local, regional and State levels, Governing body of provisionally accredited, or accredited, school (1) A school’s governing body may apply for the accreditation of the school. (2) To be eligible to apply, the governing body must be a corporation. (3) The governing body of a provisionally accredited, or accredited, school must always be a corporation. 1 the advisory group to start up Expertise required People who have set up a school in the last 2 years Huma Yumba?/ Forward looking ,innovative education - note Djarragun College Mr Brent Kelly (Chairman) Owner Director at Northern Guide Financial Services Pty Ltd Dr Barry Osborne (Deputy Chair and Chair of Governance Committee) adjunct Prof JCU ( ret ) Mr Tony Berg (Director) Mr Andrew Erratt (Director) Ms Ruth Fagan (Director) Ms Jean Illingworth (ex officio Director and CEO/Principal) Mr Greg Mitchell (Director and Chair of Finance Committee) Dr Pauline Taylor (Director) Mr Sean Walsh (Director) ocal network representatives, Trusts Act 1973 Reprinted as in force on 6 May 2010 ???? An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to trusts, trustees, settled land and charities, Education (Queensland Studies Authority) Act 2002 Reprinted as in force on 1 December 2009 ???? An Act to establish the Queensland Studies Authority, to confer functions on the authority including functions about developing, purchasing and accrediting 1–12 syllabuses, preparatory guidelines and kindergarten guidelines, testing, assessment, moderation, certification, vocational education and training and tertiary entrance, to establish the Office of the Queensland Studies Authority, and for other purposes, Education (Queensland College of Teachers) Act 2005 Reprinted as in force on 14 October 2010 ???? An Act to establish the Queensland College of Teachers, to confer functions on the college including functions about the registration of teachers in Queensland and related matters, to establish the Office of the Queensland College of Teachers, and for other purposes