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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Learning Theories 3, Learning Theories construction of thought processes Cognitive Development (Constructivism), Learning Theories ???? Andragogy, Behaviorism (Classical Conditioning) ???? ????, Behaviorism (Classical Conditioning) ???? Theorist, Meaningful Reception Learning ???? David Ausubel, Behaviorism (Classical Conditioning) grew out of Behaviorism (Operant Conditioning), Cognitive Development (Constructivism) ???? Jean Piaget, Meaningful Reception Learning Activating and using prior knowledge Schema, Learning Theories personal responsibility for learning Self Directed Learning, Learning Theories new material is related to relevant ideas Meaningful Reception Learning, Andragogy Learner Centered Malcolm Knowles, Social Constructivism ???? Jerome Bruner and Lev Vygotsky, Learning Theories ???? learning is a social process, Malcolm Knowles Learner Centered Theorist, Herbert Simon and Albert Newell ???? Cognitive Information Processing, Cognitive Development (Constructivism) ???? Social Constructivism, Learning Theories unconditioned stimulus Behaviorism (Classical Conditioning), Self Directed Learning ???? Ralph Brockett and Roger Hiemstra, Learning Theories contributors to artificial intelligence ????, Andragogy connected to Self Directed Learning