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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: ATSI INTERVENTION STRATEGIES HEAD OF POWER, Regional Education, Skills and Jobs Plan that will have a geographic focus on a Regional Development Australia (RDA) region. implications for our strategy 34 Education, Skills and Jobs Coordinators (ESJ Coordinators) focus on the development and implementation of locally responsive strategies to strengthen outcomes in early childhood learning, school education and retention, skills development, university participation and employment, 3. Jurisdictional Priorities QUEENSLAND improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander attendance and retention; »» building the skills of teachers and school leadership teams to enhance Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander achievement in literacy and numeracy; »» improved in-school support for teachers and leaders, particularly in disadvantaged Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, rural/remote and hard-to-staff schools; »» improved reward structures for teachers and leaders who work in disadvantaged Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, rural/ remote and hard-to-staff schools; and »» improved outcomes through enhanced access to digital teaching and learning opportunities., OBSERVATION 3 WE HAVE SOME RUNS ON THE BOARD THAT ARE DEMONSTRABLY ALIGNED TO STATED POLICY ASPIRATIONS Engagement principle: Engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents, students and communities is central to the design and delivery of programs and services. »» Sustainability principle: Programs and services are directed and resourced over an adequate period of time to meet COAG targets. »» Access principle: Programs and services are physically and culturally accessible to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people recognising the diversity of urban, regional and remote needs. »» Integration principle: There will be better collaboration between and within governments at all levels and their agencies to effectively coordinate programs and services. ACTION PLAN Bill Bonner delivered cultural workshop to Glenala teachers Linked Glenala SHS to Inala keys for taining of Indigenous teacher aides Engaged community service workers Dean krause / Shannon hegarty ?/ in coaching and mentoring support for 15 students of Sam's, ???? Active — healthy lifestyle choices 15. Establish the Southern Queensland Centre of Excellence in Indigenous Primary Health Care to improve the delivery of health services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in South East Queensland. 19. Deliver targeted sport and recreation activities to build the capabilities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders and address barriers to participation., 2. National Collaboration ???? Literacy and numeracy, Attendance ???? 26. Focus schools will: -- commence developing an evidence-based attendance strategy in 2011 in consultation with parents and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, which includes targets for improved attendance and reflects how the school responds to and seeks to enhance the linguistic, cultural and contextual resources that students bring to their schooling; -- publish their attendance strategy in 2012; -- evaluate and monitor the success of their attendance strategy; and -- report annually on progress towards meeting their targets. The strategy and resources will be identified in school plans or other public documents, ????, ???? CONTENT SUMMARY, ???? Earning — employment and economic participation 8. Increase employment and training opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the resources sector and other industries. 9. Increase employment opportunities, and support Indigenous businesses, by strengthening Queensland Government procurement policies. 11. Maximise employment opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders through specifi c initiatives in the 2011 Queensland Natural Disasters Jobs and Skills Package., Readiness for school ???? AEDI data becomes important for us in place based interventions UNFAIR EXTRAPOLATION -55%+ OF OUR KIDS DO POORLY IN ONE OR MORE OF THE INDEX DOMAINS 8. Focus schools will in 2011 identify what strategies can be implemented to address readiness for school and commence implementation as early as possible. Strategies and resources will be identified in school plans or other public documents., OBSERVATION 3 WE HAVE SOME RUNS ON THE BOARD THAT ARE DEMONSTRABLY ALIGNED TO STATED POLICY ASPIRATIONS Engagement principle: Engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents, students and communities is central to the design and delivery of programs and services. »» Sustainability principle: Programs and services are directed and resourced over an adequate period of time to meet COAG targets. »» Access principle: Programs and services are physically and culturally accessible to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people recognising the diversity of urban, regional and remote needs. »» Integration principle: There will be better collaboration between and within governments at all levels and their agencies to effectively coordinate programs and services. ATSI EDUCATION ACTION PLAN 2010 - 2014 AEDI data becomes important for us in place based interventions; NOTED IN OUR SCAN UNFAIR EXTRAPOLATION -55%+ OF OUR KIDS DO POORLY IN ONE OR MORE OF THE INDEX DOMAINS 15 Principal's outreach to community Corrinne to elders Forest Lake engagement of 30 + community groups in active volunteering ( 18. Education providers will strengthen school accountability and reporting to families and the community on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student outcomes. partnership agreement 19. Focus schools will commence negotiating a formal school – community partnership agreement between the school, families and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community in 2011 that sets out the respective responsibilities of each party and the ways in which they will work together to create a culture of high expectations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and support improvements in their engagement, wellbeing and educational outcomes. NATIONAL 45. MCEECDYA will seek advice from Indigenous education consultative bodies, the Indigenous Higher Education Advisory Council, Universities Australia and other strategic stakeholders to increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who make a successful transition to university in conjunction with new national reforms to increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation in higher education SYSTEMIC 49. Education providers will strengthen partnerships between schools, VET providers, universities and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to broaden the horizons and post-school options of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. LOCAL 52. Secondary schools will provide pathways and improved access to school-based accredited training, including traineeships and apprenticeships, for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Years 10-12. 54. Secondary schools will provide access to career services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and their families to support informed career and study choices. 55. Secondary schools will maximise opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students under School Business Community Partnerships to extend learning beyond the classroom, increase student engagement, deepen learning experiences and improve educational outcomes., ???? PLACE BASE /CROSS INSTITUTIONAL, OBSERVATION 2 THIS DOCUMENT FOCUSES ON 4 INPUTS TO IDENTIFY POINTS OF COMMON FOCUS ACROSS TOP DOWN & BOTTOM UP BOTTOM UP LOCAL ACTION PLAN, ???? Action: Support all Year 12 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to fi nish school, fi nd work or continue their education through the Learn Earn Legend Year 12 Destinations initiative. The two year trial involves providing one-on-one support and mentoring and family support to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Year 12 students (around 2500 students) to help them fi nish school and successfully get a job or undertake more study. Target: 1. Transition 90 per cent of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to employment, education or training 12 months after completing schooling. 2. Close the gap in Year 10 to 12 retention rates by 2013. 3. Increase the proportion of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (aged 20 to 24 years) who complete Year 12 or a Certifi cate III. Leadership: Department of Education and Training, Pathways to real post-school options ???? Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 20 – 24 who have attained Year 12 or equivalent or Australian Qualifitications Framework (AQF) Certificate II or above. NATIONAL 45. MCEECDYA will seek advice from Indigenous education consultative bodies, the Indigenous Higher Education Advisory Council, Universities Australia and other strategic stakeholders to increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who make a successful transition to university in conjunction with new national reforms to increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation in higher education. SYSTEMIC 49. Education providers will strengthen partnerships between schools, VET providers, universities and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to broaden the horizons and post-school options of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. 50. Education providers will develop innovative uses of interactive technologies with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. LOCAL 51. Secondary schools will provide innovative and tailored learning opportunities, mentoring and targeted case management strategies to increase the retention of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to Year 12. 52. Secondary schools will provide pathways and improved access to school-based accredited training, including traineeships and apprenticeships, for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Years 10-12. 53. Secondary schools will provide case management for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students undertaking school-based traineeships and link them to employment services. 54. Secondary schools will provide access to career services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and their families to support informed career and study choices. 55. Secondary schools will maximise opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students under School Business Community Partnerships to extend learning beyond the classroom, increase student engagement, deepen learning experiences and improve educational outcomes., Engagement and connections ???? non-Indigenous school leaders and staff must go beyond the classroom and school in seeking to engage with communities. Increasing the involvement of principals, leaders and staff in cultural and community activities signals a valuing of cultural identity and community assets. A two-way approach to community engagement that results in interaction of school and community in locations both in and out of school will build social capital in the school community to enable authentic engagement and connectionAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children under 5 years of age benefit from interagency actions to improve their social, physical and cognitive development. 15. Education providers will work with focus schools in 2011 to identify and commence implementation of outreach strategies to connect with early childhood education, health, welfare, family support, and youth and community services at both local and system levels. 16. Education providers will consult with other service providers to develop and implement programs and/or services targeted to the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who are pregnant and students who are parents to support their continued engagement in education. 17. Education providers will review the role of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education workers to maximise their ability to work in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, their parents and teachers to improve educational outcomes. 18. Education providers will strengthen school accountability and reporting to families and the community on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student outcomes. 19. Focus schools will commence negotiating a formal school – community partnership agreement between the school, families and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community in 2011 that sets out the respective responsibilities of each party and the ways in which they will work together to create a culture of high expectations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and support improvements in their engagement, wellbeing and educational outcomes. 20. Focus schools will commence establishing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander family forums in 2011 through school and community partnership agreements, with terms of reference and operating guidelines jointly developed by schools, staff and families. 21. Schools will involve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, teachers and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education workers in the development of personalised learning strategies for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from the first year of formal schooling to Year 10 to support improved educational outcomes. Issues relating to health and wellbeing that impact on education will be considered in this process through the cooperation of health services with the assistance of education providers., Place-Based Initiative ???? Local Solutions Fund The Government is delivering $38.2 million over four years to coordinate and support innovative local programs to boost engagement and workforce participation in 10 disadvantaged Australian communities, 2. National Collaboration ???? Pathways to real post-school options, ????, 2. National Collaboration ???? Attendance