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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: RESEARCH QUESTION 2 WHAT is delivered by PIMSIP, RESPONSE PATTERNS Male stuff Stand on your own two feet.; Be proud of what you stand for Develop your own goals and vision ; Develop group trust Culturally appropriate approach Focus on developing personal relationships and developing an ethos of mutual respect within the classroom; The activities are focused on this result and are vehicles for delivery of focused intended outcomes rather than ends in themselves/ activity for activity sake. Hence, the activities have not been developed into an integrated program design at this stage of program development . There are clips from U Tube ,research articles on best practice Pacifica interventions and personally developed resources available .( this needs to be done to support teacher delivery ) High levels of congruence on intent, RESPONSE PATTERNS As identified by CO- RESEARCHER, RESPONSE PATTERNS What Its about Integration – How to be successful in this dominant culture given that some students have never been to Samoa Engagement – Provide role models and leaders who give value to cultural backgrounds Be supported by the school/a person who does so in a manner consistent with school values ; Aspiration –What else could I do to expand options beyond the very narrow life they live The program needs to fit in with the school and not isolate kids I don’t understand the cultural focus. While there has to be some allowances for cultural differences, we consciously try to treat everybody the same. School approach to ensure fairness by treating students the same BUT funding/resources targeted to difference, RESPONSE PATTERNS The program provides an integrated system of support to cater for different stages of development:-Engage ;Aspire ;Inspire Key messages are consistently delivered We see the potential in you ; We help them to dream ( about things they would otherwise not even consider ) You are the solution Students just talking and joking There might have been messages here and there, RESPONSE PATTERNS The PIMSIP group approach provides a link between outside of school and inside school The problem is defined differently from the different perspectives of diverse community organisations, govt agencies etc etc. Tight focus /core business of Government Institutions (who frequently control the funding – Education ; Health ; Community etc )results in specific programs funded The programs are thought about separately ; The programs are developed, funded and reported on independently at both agency,institution and segregated community group levels. The people who deliver the programs operate independently This can result in “ busy work “ doubling up of support for individuals – lots of tree chopping in the forest with little result not much sustainability ,, RESPONSE PATTERNS boundary partner responses Originally it was just a way of getting out of classs but How to work better as a group; We learn about our ways ,our culture and respect Plan gigs ;Build up confidence and leadership ; be proud of our culture ;learn how to respect ourselves, RESPONSE PATTERNS As identified by SPONSORS, RESPONSE PATTERNS As identified by COMMUNITY PARTNER