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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: RESEARCH QUESTION 6, RESPONSE PATTERNS Context appreciation Appreciate the tight frameworks that the sponsor works within and how to survive in that environment Know the horse you are choosing ; What drives the leaders and ,the environment they find themselves in School Ethos Attitude is 200% of everything The core values drive the change The message of enduring hope This is a people driven program that requires a program/Philosophy congruence between personal value sets and program intent that focuses on cultural identity development AND personal development strengthening cultural identity ( program implementers ), The importance of a consistent school culture and the implications for the behavior of individuals irrespective of their role /position . A wholistic approach Shared Goals Develop the shared understating about program outcomes that remains constant over at least a three year program life expectancy Every stakeholder group needs to be on the same page re the interdependencies between stated intent/ inputs and activities /what success really looks like ie shifting priorities hinders program delivery .This is not about managing community perception of the school as the school wishes to be seen .Its about embracing diversity and difference. We need a really clear process of acknowledging this difference and a clear purpose for engagement( of at risk students ) It is a two way door where both sides can be acknowledged and accepted. A revolving door – not just an exit to the community but a reentry as well. Legitimate Curriculum framework The VAL curriculum can provide the flexible legitimizing curriculum frame for delivering PIMSIP????? Provide more resources for delivering VAL outcomes in a technical sense ( Volunteering QLD ) d Consider VAL time demands on QCS students who sometimes struggle with competing pressures from QCS/. Modify Volunteering Qld resources to meet ESL , the visual literacy capabilities of disadvantaged groups ( This is especially true if non QCS student predominate Program success is not just a clinical/professional delivery of given activities It is the Complementary resource contributions to enable program delivery Direct contact with the principal as sponsor to ensure things get done ;Once this link is broken by absences etc the agenda gets blurred . School contribution by “in kind “ resourcing Single point of aggregation of young people Direct contact with the principal as sponsor to ensure things get done ; Nominate a single point of responsibility( The person with the legitimate authority /delegated/devolved responsibility // ) to drive the program ; manage outcome accountabilities AND lead a team approach that harnesses the complementary skill sets of curriculum design and delivery, school organisational parameters ,cultural credibility.Once this link is broken by absences etc the agenda gets blurred ; - Everybody working in a silo that is self consuming and sucks the energy Most directed to self serving leadership based on a fear of losing control ; The divide and conquer strategy applied to dismantle the groups that form around common values/passion /interests group who bring school knowledge provision of expertise in curriculum design and delivery organisational constraints of school systems and in kind physical space that has a $ value Community contribution of recognized cultural credibility; to complement community /cultural knowledge better access to shared funding from area such as Stet Govt Communities Dept etc not normally available to schools Community groups such as Inala Youth Services with its Pacifica Lipi program could be invited to be formal partners in program design and delivery Share goals of culturally appropriate social support for PI students Manage scope – Contain what I need to do then scale response to time and resources provided by the sponsoring group. I hour X 1 day a week for 6/8 weeks is insufficient to make real change for students Funding sources • Provide some security of funding ( over three years ) All the cogs are moving – the drivers are just not connected, RESPONSE PATTERNS As identified by CO- RESEARCHER, RESPONSE PATTERNS Some of the bringing culture into the school ( dance) “ is nice stuff • The provision of a male mentor with cultural knowledge is important. Truancy officer approach may be a better option - Be there for the kids when they need it Not be anybody’s hero and being firm and fair to support school behavior standards as well as being culturally sensitive. Role such as cultural liaison officer to build on success, RESPONSE PATTERNS RELATIONSHIPS,RELATIONSHIPS,RELATIONSHIPS The program replicates( in part )the Primary school where one teacher builds the relationships with a group of kids. ; Kids get frustrated in secondary where there is constant change of teacher and expectations This program provides some consistency about expectations and trusting relationships. Time and effort of individuals to develop relationships within culture Can’t buy trust and respect nor can it be delegated to a role CULTURALLY APPROPRIATE PRACTICES Address the huge learning curve for schools in terms of Focus on learning styles ( rather than “cultural difference ??) For these student it is “ kinetic learning –show me and I’ll do . Give and I will give back Everybody needs cultural understanding to appreciate the subtleties of what is going on in the back of PI kids heads when PI students fail to see the relevance of particular activities and are not persuaded by the proffered rationale and resist. Teachers perceive not doing something as challenging teacher authority and escalate interventions to use a sledgehammer approach to a minor problem . I’d like to see teaching change o A bit of humour Let the student feel relaxed a bit more o A bit of hands on doing I would like to see teachers hand the chalk to the students at times o Teachers are too sweet or too soft Need to be direct and tell them to stop bad behavior I realize PI students respect males more than females Some people a bit racist That needs to stop TEACHER TRAINING Jack Ryan excellent But training has been sporadic and not followed through ?? Some teachers planning to conduct study tours to homelands that students /parents have never visited. to develop awareness of PI culture for both teachers and students Train our teachers OUTREACH Get out there into the churches and the community Conduct focus groups with all cultural groups ( Vietnamese, ATSI African etc )so we can engage families More family involvement for identified at risk kids Home visits for parents who lack skills and give kids a hiding 2 forums a year involving Police and Child Services to address our PI students Explain why we suspend for something that seems ENABLING SCHOOL SYSTEMS The impact of the inflexibility of a large school organization and the constant change in structures and leadership personnel that constantly impact on program delivery A whole of school,seamless program ,funded for a longer period of time, where each person/group dovetails into whatever needs to happen to make things work. NOT a quick fix . where a self contained program is established to “fix “ the student /behavior that is causing issues to the school etc Take time to develop a systems approach where everybody knows expectations and program integrated – Not a stop gap band aid approach We don’t need to find the next driver of the bus so everybody else can just sit there – We do need to keep the momentum ;engage everybody in contributing to change over time, RESPONSE PATTERNS STRENGTH IN SELF KNOWLEDGE Sit in the circle and begin to talk – listen Be clear about my faith based values and spiritual strength Know and understand the practical reality of the different frames in which I operate Have a clear vision BOTH/AND THINKING Use anything that works for each young person as a vehicle for change – (Sports;Song, dance ,) and then get the trust to do what’s needed for the young person AND allows the people involved to tick boxes. BOTH ( support the real stuff ) AND ( deliver on funders expectations ) AND contribute my bit without turf wars. Focus on strategic interventions rather than drowning in the case management approach / program delivery/tree chopping ritual.!!!!!!!!!! PEOPLE DRIVEN Empower people in everything we do so they can exercise a powerful voice on their own next time Networking the key Bring people of a like mind / the wisdom to work together on the real stuff Build consortiums /coalitions of people who can do things together better than they can operate alone Find the right person who can authorize action Identify the chiefs who have the cultural authority to act . respect but also influence thinking. Build stronger links and relationships all the way from top to bottom Provide opportunities for professional development on a regular basis for teachers who may unintentionally alienate young people by reacting to student behavior without being aware of the cultural context of that behavior. PROGRAM OUTCOME FOCUSSED Clear differentiation of purpose,contribution etc Integrated; holistic ;collaboration across service providers who have individual targets to meet through funding, RESPONSE PATTERNS boundary partner responses I don’t want to be racist ,but to be honest ,other teachers put you down The whole school should know about our skills and talents See the other side of us Music etc We think we can all have leadership badges by the time we are in Yr 12 and younger students should be given this opportunity. Change the time so we don’t miss the same lesson each week, RESPONSE PATTERNS As identified by SPONSORS, RESPONSE PATTERNS As identified by COMMUNITY PARTNER