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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: Political Organization of the Greek Poleis, all the citizens (men over 18) voted on war or peace, 9 archons chosen by lot carried out civil and military issues, council SPA Gerousia, all the Spartans (men over 30) voted on laws made by gerousia, 500 citizens chosen by lot prepared issues to be debated in ecclesia, Apella or assembly of the Equals fomed by all the Spartans (men over 30), Gerousia formed by two kings + 28 aristocrats over 60 elected by Apella, assembly SPA Apella or assembly of the Equals, council ATH Boule, two kings + 28 aristocrats over 60 elected by Apella presented laws to the Apella, THE GOVERNMENT OF THE POLEIS all of them had magistrates, THE GOVERNMENT OF THE POLEIS all of them had assembly, THE GOVERNMENT OF THE POLEIS all of them had council, assembly ATH Ecclesiaor citizen's assembly, magistrates SPA 5 ephors, 5 ephors elected they had control the kings and the army, all the citizens (men over 18) voted on laws, magistrates ATH 10 strategoi, all the citizens (men over 18) voted on main issues, 10 strategoi elected they were military chiefs