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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: CORE VALUES IH FAMILY OF INSTITUTIONS, 2 INPUT ON WORLD VALUES OF SIMPLY BEING HUMAN ???? THE MAP i HAVE ALREADY PRODUCED IS A TRITE SUMMARY OF LITERQATURE ON ORGANISATIONAL CULTURE /CORE VALUES, The global community of IH brand have existing core values statements ???? The mission of International House is to enable its members from around the world to live and learn Berkley the I-House mission: greater intercultural respect, understanding, friendship and leadership for a more peaceful world. New york The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: • FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; • SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society; • THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life; • FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. Melbourne Purpose, Vision and Core Values Key elements of the college's core values are: Academic success: International House will assist and motivate students to reach their full intellectual and academic potential through a supportive environment. Commitment to a caring community: International House will offer care and assistance, encourage mutual support between students and respect the individual Friendliness: International House will foster the harmonious and helpful spirit of the House, enabling lasting friendships to be made. Personal growth: International House will provide through our social, cultural, sporting, organisational and management activities for the development of each student's maturity and skills. Quality: International House will provide high quality service in all areas to students in line with worldwide best practices. together in a diverse residential community that builds life-long qualities of leadership, respect and friendship. This mission is achieved by daily interaction among its residents through programs, facilities and residential life designed to foster diversity of thought and experience. Valuing difference: International House will understand, appreciate and respect the principles, cultures and differences of others. the I-House mission: greater intercultural respect, understanding, friendship and leadership for a more peaceful world., ASSUMPTIONS ???? There are a number of existing documents that outline tacit values BUT ther is no formal statement of the core values of IH brisbane, COMMON CORE VALUES FOR IH BRISBANE my input on process 3 FACILITATED DISCUSSSION TO PRODUCE 3/4 CORE VALUES, UQ ???? The UQ community is representative of the diverse community in Australia • Students and staff choose UQ as it is a safe, accepting and inclusive environment • Everyone takes responsibility for living the equity values and embedding equity and diversity into the fabric of the UQ culture • Staff and students have developed diversity competencies which they use when engaging with others inside and outside the University • Inclusive pedagogies are demonstrated across all disciplines • Flexible, responsive work practices refl ect the diverse needs of equity and diversity groups • Staff are represented at all levels and across disciplines with respect to gender, ethnicity and racial diversity including at the most senior levels, COMMON CORE VALUES FOR IH BRISBANE my input on process 2 INPUT ON WORLD VALUES OF SIMPLY BEING HUMAN, ???? ???? International House Community for Understanding Values: We believe that building safe, healthy and peaceful homes and communities will make for a just and peaceful world. We believe in preventing hostilities, strife and dissention and promoting peace and understanding. We believe that everyone every community has a role in promoting peace and understanding, and that this can be developed in the college community. It is essential that the college builds on its strengths and assets to facilitate change. We believe that isolation, alienation, distrust, lack of opportunity, poverty and injustice are contributors to a lack of peace and understanding. We believe that a lack of peace and cultural understanding and inequities in race and power are embedded in the foundations of our democracy, and so must be challenged to promote hope and equal opportunity for all its citizens. We believe that collaboration can be an effective vehicle for organising communities, engaging all sectors, developing comprehensive visions and building safe communities. We believe that through public education, we can reshape norms, attitudes and values so that violence is not condoned. We believe that a “Community for Understanding” encompasses not only the absence of conflict, but also the presence of peace and justice. WE believe that peace, tolerance and understanding are possible., COMMON CORE VALUES FOR IH BRISBANE my input on process 1 DOCUMENT AMNALYSIS OF WHAT IS, Key stakeholders of IH have existing core values statements ???? UQ, There are a number of existing documents that outline tacit values BUT ther is no formal statement of the core values of IH brisbane ???? constitution, 3 FACILITATED DISCUSSSION TO PRODUCE 3/4 CORE VALUES ???? My experience tells me this will tell me more about the cdevelopmewntal level of the contributors than the aspirational core values of an emerging social enterprise !!!, There are a number of existing documents that outline tacit values BUT ther is no formal statement of the core values of IH brisbane ???? ????, constitution semantic analysis can reduce existing documents down to a few core phrases/words ????, Rotary ???? Rotary's core values represent the guiding principles of the organization's culture, including what guides members' priorities and actions within the organization. Values are an increasingly important component in strategic planning because they drive the intent and direction of the organization's leadership. Service We believe that our service activities and programs bring about greater world understanding and peace. Service is a major element of our mission. Through the plans and actions of individual clubs, we create a culture of service throughout our organization that provides unparalleled satisfaction for those who serve. Fellowship We believe that individual efforts focus on individual needs, but combined efforts serve humanity. The power of combined efforts knows no limitation, multiplies resources, and broadens our lives and perspectives. Fellowship leads to tolerance and transcends racial, national, and other boundaries. Diversity We believe Rotary unifies all people internationally behind the ideal of service. We encourage diversity of vocations within our membership and in our activities and service work. A club that reflects its business and professional community is a club with a key to its future. Integrity We are committed to and expect accountability from our leaders and fellow members, both in the results of our efforts and in the processes we use to accomplish our goals. We adhere to high ethical and professional standards in our work and personal relationships. We are fair and respectful in our interactions, and we conscientiously steward the resources entrusted to us. Leadership We are a global fellowship of individuals who are leaders in their fields of endeavor. We believe in the importance of leadership development and in leadership as a quality of our members. As Rotarians, we are leaders in implementing our core values. All of these core values are reflected in the Object of Rotary and The Four-Way Test, which we use in our daily lives. They inspire us to foster and support the ideal of service for developing and maintaining integrity in human relations., Key stakeholders of IH have existing core values statements ???? Rotary