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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Service Center exploration, Research Possibilities for ESC Lorrie Conversation with Stony Brook about their process, Circulate draft for comment ???? OIT, Conversation with Stony Brook about their process Bob/Lorrie Develop ESC proposal, Circulate draft for comment ???? OCGR, Circulate draft for comment ???? OEM, Invite RF in for workshop Bob/Lorrie Develop ESC proposal, Presented to cabinet if no End process, Circulate draft for comment ???? CPIE, Circulate draft for comment Bob Revised draft, Develop ESC proposal Bob Circulate draft for comment, Revised draft Bob Presented to cabinet, Research Possibilities for ESC Lorrie Invite RF in for workshop, Circulate draft for comment ???? OCAR, Presented to cabinet if yes develop implementation plan and strategy, Circulate draft for comment ???? OA