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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Team4_CMAP-JR_Edit, Reduced costs from Consolidating Database Vendor, Model Standards Informs ETL Process, Incomplete Enterprise Architecture and Lack of prior significant IT projects, Critical insight exposes Dependency on Parent IT, Common technologies and Upgraded Infrastructure, Security configurations, plans and policies Considers Compliance, Software licensing including Non-compliance with server, OS, RDP, user CALs, Data consolidation and Phased integration of systems, Technology integration framework for performing preliminary due diligence for mergers and acquisitions Produces High-level view of target company IT condition, Data integrity Impacts Configuration Controls, Processes, Plans, Policies, Security configurations, plans and policies Considers Communications, How does Trinity Information Technology contribute to the preliminary due diligence process for mergers and acquisitions? standardized by Technology integration framework for performing preliminary due diligence for mergers and acquisitions, Increased costs from Upgrading to meet Compliance Req's, Opportunities includes Reduced costs, Aging or insufficient network infrastructure and Inadequate or incompatible storage architecture, Insecure practices and Lack of governance, Increased costs from IT Capital funding requirements, Integration delays from Incompatible data, Lack of prior significant IT projects and Culture conflicts, Economies of scale and Service consolidation