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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: PSYC13020 draft 1, effective communication including active listening, creative ideas and all members actively participate, regular, non face to face contact as well as implement cooperative reward structure, active listening and objective responding, individual accountability and group accountability, thoughtful consideration that allow all individuals freely to contribute, open mindedness and trust, interpersonal conflicts because of differing personalities, group accountability where members are results driven & goal oriented, effective team work results in completion of tasks, open mindedness and fairness, effective teamwork has many potential advantages, group members are not centrally located and a lack of face to face meetings, unambiguous agendas and agreed, supportive conflict resolution, clear, reasonable short & long term team & individual goals resulting in completion of tasks, potential advantages brings combined skills & talents, results driven & goal oriented complying with an agreed task completion timeframe, unmotivated members may be due to interpersonal conflicts, skills & processes and thoughtful consideration, skills & processes using combined skills & talents