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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: STAKEHOLDER MAP, WHERE WILL WE BUILD IT ?? LOCALITY growth areas SES demographic OESR DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS, WHERE WILL WE BUILD IT ?? SPECIFIC LOT GOVERNMENT LAND, ???? SEKESUI House is developing 194 hectares in Ripley Valley into a master-planned community called Ecco Ripley. To be developed over the next 15 years, it is expected to provide about 4000 homes for more than 10,000 people. Ripley Valley, which a range of landholders is developing, is expected to be home to120,000 people over the next 20 years, KEY PARTNERS CREATING SHARED VALUE & MAKING A COLLECTIVE IMPACT WHO the potential partners are Who are our Key Partners? Why they will become involved Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Intellectual property /Physical /Human /Financial Which Key Activities do partners perform? THEORY BASE STAKEHOLDER MAPPING, WHAT IS LEARNED ENABLE DELIVERY OF MANDATED ACCOUNTABILITIES ACARA, Department of Infrastructure and Planning ???? Strategic Infrastructure Procurement Division of Department of Infrastructure and Planning,, WE ARE LOOKING FOR A DEMOGRAPHIC THAT WANTS IT & CAN AFFORD IT, PRACTICALITIES ???? WHERE WILL WE BUILD IT ??, ???? CEO Isami Wada met with Premier Campbell Newman and Ipswich Mayor Paul Pisasale, KEY PARTNERS CREATING SHARED VALUE & MAKING A COLLECTIVE IMPACT WHO the potential partners are Who are our Key Partners? Why they will become involved Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Intellectual property /Physical /Human /Financial Which Key Activities do partners perform? THEORY BASE PRACTICALITIES, DEVELOPERS AND INVESTORS senior development manager Craig D'Costa Sekesui House Australia, ACARA operates under national partnership agreements WHAT to teach HOW to teach it Draft Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages The draft Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: 13 May 2013 – French, Indonesian, Korean 20 May 2013 – Modern Greek, Spanish, Vietnamese, 31 May 2013 – Arabic, German, Japanese., WHERE WILL WE BUILD IT ?? SPECIFIC LOT DEVELOPERS AND INVESTORS, CEO Isami Wada met with Premier Campbell Newman and Ipswich Mayor Paul Pisasale ???? IPSWICH LIBRARIES, GOVERNMENT LAND KEY CONTACT IS LEIGH CALLUM det Department of Infrastructure and Planning, KEY PARTNERS CREATING SHARED VALUE & MAKING A COLLECTIVE IMPACT WHO the potential partners are Who are our Key Partners? Why they will become involved Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Intellectual property /Physical /Human /Financial Which Key Activities do partners perform? THEORY BASE TRENDY STUFF CREATING SHARED VALUE MAKING A COLLECTIVE IMPACT, WHAT IS LEARNED ENABLE DELIVERY OF MANDATED ACCOUNTABILITIES, OESR DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS KEY CONTACT IS ??, WHO CONTRIBUTES key contacts ? ????, ACARA operates under national partnership agreements WHAT to teach HOW to teach it QLD education dept