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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Enucleation in Large Animals, drugs consists of combikel, Post- operative Care post-operative swelling and pain arterial bleeding in a prematurely closed orbit, EYE ENUCLEATION Congenital deformities of the eye, Post- operative Care skin suture removal 10-14 days, Post- operative Care client information For cancer - Owners of problem herds should be advised of the heritability factor , with affected animals and their offspring culled to decrease the incidence of tumors., harsh environmental conditions consider eyepatch, drugs consists of xylazine, Post- operative Care complications of surgury Early hemorrhage, infection, and exposure or extrusion of the implant (if there is an implant), TRANSPALPEBRAL APPROACH surgical technique Transpalpebral approach, animal factors are breed, monitor for reaccurance may need to consider cryotherapy, hyperthermia, radiation therapy, local chemotherapy using 5-fluorouracil, immunotherapy, or often a combination of these therapies, Post- operative Care Protect the animal from harsh environmental conditions, Post- operative Care Protect the animal from other animals, Enucleation (Eye removal) consider Species specifics, Transpalpebral ???? Reduces the risk of contaminating the orbit by confining disease within the conjunctival sac, EYE ENUCLEATION Type of enucleation will depend on the presence or absence of infection, ITRA-OPERATIVE Protocol Materials & Restraint CHEMICAL+PHYSICAL RESTRAINT -Anaesthesia pre-operatively (general+local) - Halter+Stands/pen -Personnel, Uncontrollable glaucoma ???? Blinding painful glaucoma can often be surgically corrected by the introduction of an intraocular prosthesis. This procedure preserves the globe and relieves pain. However, enucleation should be considered when the health of the cornea is at risk. In cases of corneal infection and/or loss of the corneal stroma, enucleation is preferable. Enucleation should also be considered when future corneal health may be jeopardized by low tear production or facial nerve paralysis., ITRA-OPERATIVE Protocol Materials & Restraint Anti-inflammatory and Antibiotic can be administered before beginning surgery, ITRA-OPERATIVE Protocol Materials & Restraint -Restraining equipment+personnel - Surgical kit with hemostats, scalpel,needle driver, suture material, curved/straight scissors, etc. -Cleaning material-Alcohol, disinfectant, gauze, etc. -Wound dressing