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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: CarbonCycle_LaurenGuzman, the "age" of carbon in the atmosphere via dilution of Radioactive 14C, the Suess Effect caused by Combustion of fossil fuels, Earth's reservoirs such as Soil, atmospheric CO2 measured by the "age" of carbon in the atmosphere, Earth's reservoirs such as Biosphere, ocean carbon increases ocean acidity, flows/fluxes such as Weathering reactions, ocean carbon stored in Ocean, flows/fluxes such as Photosynthesis, Carbon is regulated by long term natural removal mechanisms, Earth's reservoirs measured in Gigatons of carbon (GtC), flows/fluxes such as Sedimentation, Radioactive 14C because the Suess Effect, Earth's reservoirs via flows/fluxes, ocean carbon an example of Negative feedback, Carbon is recycled in Earth's reservoirs, human CO2 emissions increases atmospheric CO2, Earth's reservoirs such as Ocean, flows/fluxes such as Respiration, atmospheric CO2 an example of Negative feedback