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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: CHAMPAGNE_Ocean Acidification, Calcium Carbonate Structures for example Calcareous Plankton, Cold Regions at High Latitudes, Tropical Areas where there are Coral Reefs, Calcium Carbonate Structures for example Shelled Intertidal Organisms, Calcareous Plankton such as Coccolithophores, Shelled Intertidal Organisms such as Crustaceans, Cold Regions because of already reduced Carbonate Ion Saturation, Reduced Carbonate Ion Saturation inhibits the formation of Calcium Carbonate Structures, Deep Sea organisms less accustomed to Fluctuations, Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide increases oceanic Dissolved Carbon Dioxide, Dissolved Carbon Dioxide reacts with water to form carbonic acid <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> <mrow> <mtext> C </mtext> <mmultiscripts> <mtext> O </mtext> <mtext> 2 </mtext> <none/> </mmultiscripts> <mtext> + </mtext> <mmultiscripts> <mtext> H </mtext> <mtext> 2 </mtext> <none/> </mmultiscripts> <mtext> O= </mtext> <mmultiscripts> <mtext> H </mtext> <mtext> 2 </mtext> <none/> </mmultiscripts> <mtext> C </mtext> <mmultiscripts> <mtext> O </mtext> <mtext> 3 </mtext> <none/> </mmultiscripts> </mrow> </math>, Shelled Intertidal Organisms such as Gastropods, Ocean Acidification impacts concentrated in Tropical Areas, High Latitudes for example Arctic Ocean, PH Drops By 2100, projected to drop from PH 8.16 to PH 7.9, Calcium Carbonate Structures for example Coral Reefs, Shelled Intertidal Organisms such as Echinoderms, Hydronium Ions which be definition means that PH Drops, PH Drops a process known as Ocean Acidification, Dissolved Carbon Dioxide increases the number of Hydronium Ions