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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: PCL Course Progression, Session 2: Nature & Practices of Science. is about 1. What is science? 2. How science works?, 1. Instructional models & methods for supporting learning 2. Models & Cognitive tools discussions focus on How to design experiences to support learning, Session 7: Designing Learning Experiences is about 1. Instructional models & methods for supporting learning 2. Models & Cognitive tools, Foundational Ideas on Learning & Knowledge includes Session 2: Nature & Practices of Science., Session 11: Using Objects for Active Engagement is about 1. Hands on investigations 2. Inquiry, Designing to Support Learning includes Session 7: Designing Learning Experiences, 1. What is science? 2. How science works? discussions focus on How is scientific knowledge constructed, & who does science., 1. Hands on investigations 2. Inquiry discussions focus on Using materials in learning experiences, what to do & how to do it, 1. Climate change & conservation education 2. Decision making & behavior change discussions focus on Decision making, esp pertaining to environment, requires more than just content acquisition., 1. Active participation 2. Mental models & connecting prior knowledge 3. Context and engagement discussions focus on Sense making involves making connections, that are facilitated by active participation & talking with others. Engagement is needed to sustain mental effort., Session 12: Field Trip is about 1. Visit Chabot or Cal Academy 2. Practice engaging with the public, perhaps at Cal Academy, Session 8: Learning Conversations is about 1. Patterns of talk 2. Reflective Discourse, Designing to Support Learning includes Session 8: Learning Conversations, 1. Practicing how to facilitate Reflective Discourse discussions focus on Discussion Map & strategies, what to do & how to do it, Foundational Ideas on Learning & Knowledge includes Session 1: Introduction to Climate Literacy, Apply & Refine includes Session 11: Using Objects for Active Engagement, 1. Knowledge Systems 2. Culturally relevant teaching discussions focus on Knowledge & behavior are embedded in culture. Learning is culturally influenced, Apply & Refine includes Session 14: Climate Sciences Day, Foundational Ideas on Learning & Knowledge includes Session 3: How Learning Happens, 1. Why this course is important. 2. Do you believe global warming is ...? Why do you believe? How do you know? What will you do? 3. Why is there disparity between scientists and the non-scientific public? discussions focus on What this course involves; using concept maps for science & learning concepts; communicating & understanding how to communicate science