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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: AGV Microbial Pathogens Trial 1, Exotoxins ???? Superantigens, Entry ???? Capsule, Antigenic variation ???? Host Mediated, Factors affecting Pathogenesis ???? Virulence factors, Virulence factors ???? Antigenic variation, Exotoxins 2 polypeptide component A-B toxins, Toxins ???? Exotoxins, Factors affecting Pathogenesis ???? Host Mediated, Virulence factors ???? Stages in infections, Endotoxin LPS septic shock, Adherence ???? Invasion, Stages in infections ???? Entry, Survival ???? Toxins, Entry ???? Adherence, Survival inhibit Phagocytosis, Factors affecting Pathogenesis ???? Antigenic variation, Survival promote Fe Sequestering, Invasion ???? Inflammation, Toxins ???? Endotoxin, Invasion ???? Survival