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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: 0_SS skills comparison, Step 1. Study the 2 sources to be compare by Source, Comparison base on LORMS, Step 2. Use common factor/citeria to compare needs to be specific and accurate rather than generalisation, Source either Different, Comparison Start by Step 1. Study the 2 sources to be compare, LORMS differentiated ????, Step 1. Study the 2 sources to be compare then Step 2. Use common factor/citeria to compare, Source either Similar, Comparison questions - In what ways are Source A and Source B similar/different? - How do Source a ans Source B differ? - How smilar/different are Source A and Source B? - To what extent are Source A and Source B similar?, Step 2. Use common factor/citeria to compare then Step 3. Draw conclusion about how similar/different the 2 source are.