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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Overview of US Health Care - revised, Comprehend the concept of long-term care (LTC), types of organizations and services provided in communities Discussion Board: Shi & Singh Chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10 (50 pts) This week's content provided a broad basis for understanding various settings for delivery of health care services and the payment mechanisms that influence each of them. For this week's discussion, please select one of three multi-part questions below, and provide a thorough response to each question with no less than one substantive paragraph per question. Demonstrate critical thinking and synthesis of information from this week and previous week's learning Choose 1, 2, or 3 below: 1. Describe how some of the changes in the health services delivery system have led to a decline in hospital inpatient days and a growth in ambulatory services. What are some of the social changes that led to the creation of specialty health centers for women? What is community oriented primary care? Explain in detail its characteristics, the potential benefits and risks of this type of primary care, if any, and how this is practiced now and will be practiced in the future. 2. Describe the three utilization review methods, giving appropriate examples. What is an HMO? How does it differ from a PPO? What are the three main payment mechanisms managed care uses? In each mechanism, who bears the risk? Despite a recognition of increasing health care costs, why did the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 fail to achieve its objectives? 3. What is meant by "quality of life?" Discuss quality-of-life features as they pertain to 1) long-term-care delivered in LTC facilities and 2) hospice care. Even though the elderly are primary users of nursing homes and, generally speaking, Medicaid is the primary source of payment for health care services provided to the elderly, why does Medicare pay only a small fraction of the cost of nursing home care? Grading Criteria for your Discussion Board Posting: Accuracy and idea development of answers and responses to the specific questions (30 points) Two replies to learning partners that take the discussion to a deeper level, use critical thinking, provide additional information or development of the original post, and thoughtful self-reflection (10 points) Organization, flow of narrative, and grammar, syntax, APA style including citations, and spelling (10 points), Understand and appreciate challenges to health care access and quality faced by rural populations, homeless individuals, and other underserved populations Discussion Board: IPE for MHA - MPH Students on Diversity (50 pts) After viewing the content and watching the videos in the Module 6 Kaiser Permanente Diversity & Health Series, participate in the small group, interprofessional discussion board by answering these questions and replying to no less than two learning partners: 1. What are your initial reactions, what emotions did the video evoke for you, and in what ways did you identify with the stories? 2. What are the dangers of stereotypes and how do they affect communications, relationships and patient care? 3. What might be some ways to establish trust with patients/clients highlighted in the film? 4. In what ways does what you learned in this video apply to your current or future professional work, and give one example of how you will implement these principles in your health care administration or professional practice or public health professional work. D Discussion Board Ground Rules: • Respond to others with respect • Ok to agree to disagree • Assume a positive intent • Remain open to others’ ideas/experiences • Avoid judging and criticizing, L3. ANALYTICAL THINKING 3. Recognizes Multiple Relationships Makes multiple causal links; several potential causes of events, several consequences of actions, or multiple-part chain of events (A leads to B leads to C leads to D); Analyzes relationships among several parts of a problem or situation (e.g., anticipates obstacles and thinks ahead about next steps, in detail, with multiple steps) Identify the inputs, processes and outputs occurring in the current health care delivery system, Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the U.S. health care from a global health status and access perspective Articulate some characteristics or elements related to cultural diversity and why that is important in the context of health care delivery and public health, Define national health insurance (NHI), national health system (NHS), and socialized health insurance (SHI) by critically analyzing the major features of the U.S. health care system as compared and contrasted with major features of the health care systems of other significant countries around the world. Written Paper Assignment: Assignment on the Eleventh Hour textbook and Chapter 1 of Shi & Singh (20 pts) The Eleventh Hour provides an overview to health care in a storytelling format. The PBS videos on the U.S. health care system contrast the U.S. health care system with other countries, and also provides some exemplars of quality health care. The writing assignment for this week asks you to draw upon both of these videosources, as well as the novel. Assignment questions for your written paper: For this assignment you are to write a paper which summarizes what you have learned in Modules 1 and 2 by answering the following questions: What are the five most important themes or content you learned? What is the significance of the information you learned? In other words, why do these things matter to your/our study this semester? What do the book and the videos have to do with better understanding of the U.S. health care system? In what way does the book corroborate or refute knowledge you have gleaned from previous experiences or study? If you were to tell a colleague about these resources, what would you communicate, and why? This assignment should be five to six pages in length, excluding a cover page, abstract, and reference page. You should use relevant headings and subheadings for your paper. The APA style of headings named as Methods, Findings, etc. does not apply here, but you may use the questions below to guide you in creating brief, meaningful headings. You will be graded on compliance with APA style. You will submit your paper to the Turnitin(R) Dropbox in the Module 2 folder so you can obtain an originality score. You will be allowed to resubmit the paper during Module 2 until you get an acceptable Turnitin(R) score. Grading Rubric for Written Papers Overview-WrittenPaperRubric.pdf Turnitin(R) is a tool to evaluate the originality of your work. Please review the Course Syllabus, Student Handbook, and other resources on plagiarism and writing requirements. When you upload your paper into Turnitin(R), you will receive an score represented by a color (i.e. green, yellow, and red) indicating the degree to which your work does not represent someone else's written work. The requirement is that you will submit a paper that only has a green score, which means that 24% or less of the work appears somewhere else. If you have questions about this please discuss this with your instructor. You may modify and edit your paper and resubmit the assignment until you get the required green score up to the due date and time of the assignment. Be sure that your paper ends with a conclusion. Your paper should have an appropriate cover page, abstract page, and reference page according to APA style., Define, describe importance of promoting, and appreciate characteristics of quality of life for vulnerable and elderly populations, and others Discussion Board: Shi & Singh Chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10 (50 pts) This week's content provided a broad basis for understanding various settings for delivery of health care services and the payment mechanisms that influence each of them. For this week's discussion, please select one of three multi-part questions below, and provide a thorough response to each question with no less than one substantive paragraph per question. Demonstrate critical thinking and synthesis of information from this week and previous week's learning Choose 1, 2, or 3 below: 1. Describe how some of the changes in the health services delivery system have led to a decline in hospital inpatient days and a growth in ambulatory services. What are some of the social changes that led to the creation of specialty health centers for women? What is community oriented primary care? Explain in detail its characteristics, the potential benefits and risks of this type of primary care, if any, and how this is practiced now and will be practiced in the future. 2. Describe the three utilization review methods, giving appropriate examples. What is an HMO? How does it differ from a PPO? What are the three main payment mechanisms managed care uses? In each mechanism, who bears the risk? Despite a recognition of increasing health care costs, why did the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 fail to achieve its objectives? 3. What is meant by "quality of life?" Discuss quality-of-life features as they pertain to 1) long-term-care delivered in LTC facilities and 2) hospice care. Even though the elderly are primary users of nursing homes and, generally speaking, Medicaid is the primary source of payment for health care services provided to the elderly, why does Medicare pay only a small fraction of the cost of nursing home care? Grading Criteria for your Discussion Board Posting: Accuracy and idea development of answers and responses to the specific questions (30 points) Two replies to learning partners that take the discussion to a deeper level, use critical thinking, provide additional information or development of the original post, and thoughtful self-reflection (10 points) Organization, flow of narrative, and grammar, syntax, APA style including citations, and spelling (10 points), L11. INFORMATION SEEKING 2. Investigates Beyond Routine Questions Conducts preliminary investigations regarding a problem or situation beyond routine questioning; Finds those closest to the problem and investigates further, such as asking, "What happened?" Understand the major initiatives of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and analyze the impact of these changes on the current delivery system, Define Blum's model of health determination and the relative impact on individual health by accurately describing the 4 components and each component's relative contribution to health outcomes Discussion Board: Shi & Singh Chapters 2 & 3 (50 pts) Please answer ALL of the following questions in no less than two paragraphs per question: 1. What are the implications of the Blum model and the four key determinants of health? What relevance does this model have for health care delivery today and public health? 2. What are the four basic functional components of the U.S. health care system, and what role does each play in the delivery of health care? 3. What is the difference between national health insurance (NHI) and a national health system (NHS)? What are the relative benefits and weaknesses of each system? Grading Criteria for your Discussion Board Posting: Accuracy and idea development of answers and responses to the specific questions (30 points) Two replies to learning partners that take the discussion to a deeper level, use critical thinking, provide additional information or development of the original post, and thoughtful self-reflection (10 points) Organization, flow of narrative, and grammar, syntax, APA style including citations, and spelling (10 points), 4. CULTURAL COMPETENCY SKILLS 4B2. Considers the role of cultural, social, and behavioral factors in the accessibility, availability, and delivery of public health services Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the U.S. health care from a global health status and access perspective, Understand the differences in pre-industrial America, by describing the changes in the delivery of medical services and technology Discussion Board: Shi & Singh Chapters 2 & 3 (50 pts) Please answer ALL of the following questions in no less than two paragraphs per question: 1. What are the implications of the Blum model and the four key determinants of health? What relevance does this model have for health care delivery today and public health? 2. What are the four basic functional components of the U.S. health care system, and what role does each play in the delivery of health care? 3. What is the difference between national health insurance (NHI) and a national health system (NHS)? What are the relative benefits and weaknesses of each system? Grading Criteria for your Discussion Board Posting: Accuracy and idea development of answers and responses to the specific questions (30 points) Two replies to learning partners that take the discussion to a deeper level, use critical thinking, provide additional information or development of the original post, and thoughtful self-reflection (10 points) Organization, flow of narrative, and grammar, syntax, APA style including citations, and spelling (10 points), Recognize the roles and differences in the various types of health service professionals in the U.S. health care system Discussion Board: Shi & Singh Chapters 4,5, & 6 (50 pts) Select one the following three multi-part questions for this week's assignment. You will need additional sources to complete the assignment. Your response to the assignment should be no least than six paragraphs. 1. Medical Profession: Discuss the relationship of dependency within the context of medical profession's cultural and legitimized authority. What role did medical education reform play in galvanizing professional authority? What measures have been, or can be employed to overcome problems related to physician maldistribution and imbalance? Why is there an imbalance between primary care and specialty care in the United States. 2. Health Care Financing: What are some of the difficulties with health care financing? Which particular factors that may have been somewhat weak factors in bringing about national health insurance in the 1940s later led to the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in the 1960s? Based on your understanding of these factors, how do you see them playing a role in current health insurance and health reform discussions? What provisions has the federal government made for providing health care to military personnel and to veterans of the U.S. armed forces 3. Health Information Technology (HIT), Medical Technology, Telemedicine: What value does technology bring to the delivery of health care services, clinical outcomes of patients, and advancement of evidence-based health care services? Discuss the role of information technology in both the delivery and management of health care services and rising costs of health care in the U.S. What is the role of the FDA in the growth and cost of medical technology, including procedures, pharmaceuticals, and devices? How effective are they in their role? What influences their decisions? Cite at least one example of FDA involvement in recent patient safety issues and concerns. Grading Criteria for your Discussion Board Posting: Accuracy and idea development of answers and responses to the specific questions (30 points) Two replies to learning partners that take the discussion to a deeper level, use critical thinking, provide additional information or development of the original post, and thoughtful self-reflection (10 points) Organization, flow of narrative, and grammar, syntax, APA style including citations, and spelling (10 points), Identify health concerns, experiences, and uniqueness of American women Discussion Board: IPE for MHA - MPH Students on Diversity (50 pts) After viewing the content and watching the videos in the Module 6 Kaiser Permanente Diversity & Health Series, participate in the small group, interprofessional discussion board by answering these questions and replying to no less than two learning partners: 1. What are your initial reactions, what emotions did the video evoke for you, and in what ways did you identify with the stories? 2. What are the dangers of stereotypes and how do they affect communications, relationships and patient care? 3. What might be some ways to establish trust with patients/clients highlighted in the film? 4. In what ways does what you learned in this video apply to your current or future professional work, and give one example of how you will implement these principles in your health care administration or professional practice or public health professional work. D Discussion Board Ground Rules: • Respond to others with respect • Ok to agree to disagree • Assume a positive intent • Remain open to others’ ideas/experiences • Avoid judging and criticizing, Discuss the contributing factors in the maldistribution in the physcian labor force and why Discussion Board: Shi & Singh Chapters 4,5, & 6 (50 pts) Select one the following three multi-part questions for this week's assignment. You will need additional sources to complete the assignment. Your response to the assignment should be no least than six paragraphs. 1. Medical Profession: Discuss the relationship of dependency within the context of medical profession's cultural and legitimized authority. What role did medical education reform play in galvanizing professional authority? What measures have been, or can be employed to overcome problems related to physician maldistribution and imbalance? Why is there an imbalance between primary care and specialty care in the United States. 2. Health Care Financing: What are some of the difficulties with health care financing? Which particular factors that may have been somewhat weak factors in bringing about national health insurance in the 1940s later led to the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in the 1960s? Based on your understanding of these factors, how do you see them playing a role in current health insurance and health reform discussions? What provisions has the federal government made for providing health care to military personnel and to veterans of the U.S. armed forces 3. Health Information Technology (HIT), Medical Technology, Telemedicine: What value does technology bring to the delivery of health care services, clinical outcomes of patients, and advancement of evidence-based health care services? Discuss the role of information technology in both the delivery and management of health care services and rising costs of health care in the U.S. What is the role of the FDA in the growth and cost of medical technology, including procedures, pharmaceuticals, and devices? How effective are they in their role? What influences their decisions? Cite at least one example of FDA involvement in recent patient safety issues and concerns. Grading Criteria for your Discussion Board Posting: Accuracy and idea development of answers and responses to the specific questions (30 points) Two replies to learning partners that take the discussion to a deeper level, use critical thinking, provide additional information or development of the original post, and thoughtful self-reflection (10 points) Organization, flow of narrative, and grammar, syntax, APA style including citations, and spelling (10 points), 2. POLICY DEVELOPMENT / PROGRAM PLANNING SKILLS 2B11. Develop strategies for continuous quality improvement of programs including policy analysis (Modified) Describe features and rationale of health care regulation, and analyze implications of health care policy on the U.S. health care system., Describe various characteristics, evolution and growth trends, and governance of various health care settings such as outpatient, ambulatory, primary care, and hospital organizations Discussion Board: Shi & Singh Chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10 (50 pts) This week's content provided a broad basis for understanding various settings for delivery of health care services and the payment mechanisms that influence each of them. For this week's discussion, please select one of three multi-part questions below, and provide a thorough response to each question with no less than one substantive paragraph per question. Demonstrate critical thinking and synthesis of information from this week and previous week's learning Choose 1, 2, or 3 below: 1. Describe how some of the changes in the health services delivery system have led to a decline in hospital inpatient days and a growth in ambulatory services. What are some of the social changes that led to the creation of specialty health centers for women? What is community oriented primary care? Explain in detail its characteristics, the potential benefits and risks of this type of primary care, if any, and how this is practiced now and will be practiced in the future. 2. Describe the three utilization review methods, giving appropriate examples. What is an HMO? How does it differ from a PPO? What are the three main payment mechanisms managed care uses? In each mechanism, who bears the risk? Despite a recognition of increasing health care costs, why did the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 fail to achieve its objectives? 3. What is meant by "quality of life?" Discuss quality-of-life features as they pertain to 1) long-term-care delivered in LTC facilities and 2) hospice care. Even though the elderly are primary users of nursing homes and, generally speaking, Medicaid is the primary source of payment for health care services provided to the elderly, why does Medicare pay only a small fraction of the cost of nursing home care? Grading Criteria for your Discussion Board Posting: Accuracy and idea development of answers and responses to the specific questions (30 points) Two replies to learning partners that take the discussion to a deeper level, use critical thinking, provide additional information or development of the original post, and thoughtful self-reflection (10 points) Organization, flow of narrative, and grammar, syntax, APA style including citations, and spelling (10 points), Compare and contrast the U.S. health care system with other major countries' health care system by analyzing how each system financially impacts patients, providers, and the government system Discussion Board: Shi & Singh Chapters 2 & 3 (50 pts) Please answer ALL of the following questions in no less than two paragraphs per question: 1. What are the implications of the Blum model and the four key determinants of health? What relevance does this model have for health care delivery today and public health? 2. What are the four basic functional components of the U.S. health care system, and what role does each play in the delivery of health care? 3. What is the difference between national health insurance (NHI) and a national health system (NHS)? What are the relative benefits and weaknesses of each system? Grading Criteria for your Discussion Board Posting: Accuracy and idea development of answers and responses to the specific questions (30 points) Two replies to learning partners that take the discussion to a deeper level, use critical thinking, provide additional information or development of the original post, and thoughtful self-reflection (10 points) Organization, flow of narrative, and grammar, syntax, APA style including citations, and spelling (10 points), Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the U.S. health care from a global health status and access perspective Define national health insurance (NHI), national health system (NHS), and socialized health insurance (SHI) by critically analyzing the major features of the U.S. health care system as compared and contrasted with major features of the health care systems of other significant countries around the world., Demonstrate competence in written communication by using APA style guidelines, and articulating your response to the discussion board questions at graduate level Discussion Board: Eleventh Hour, other resources, and video (20 pts) Based on the resources, Eleventh Hour textbook reading, and video, please respond to the following Discussion Board assignment for Module 1: - As you consider what you learned in your textbook and the documentary, Sick Around the World, compare and contrast at least two major features of the U.S. health care system with two other countries. - Conclude your post with a short reflection of the most significant learning you experienced this week. Remember in your answers, think critically and make connections with material when you can. Refer to the syllabus and the Course Information to write at a graduate level when discussing these ideas. Grading Criteria for your Discussion Board Posting--See discussion board rubric in GradeBook: - Accuracy and idea development of answers and responses to the specific questions. Organization, flow of narrative, and grammar, syntax, APA style including citations, and spelling. (16 points) Due on Thursday. -Two replies to learning partners that take the discussion to a deeper level, use critical thinking, provide additional information or development of the original post, and thoughtful self-reflection (4 points). Due on Sunday., Apply systems thinking and analysis to health care systems by describing the foundations, resources, processes, outcomes, and outlook that influence the U.S. health care system Written Paper Assignment: Assignment on the Eleventh Hour textbook and Chapter 1 of Shi & Singh (20 pts) The Eleventh Hour provides an overview to health care in a storytelling format. The PBS videos on the U.S. health care system contrast the U.S. health care system with other countries, and also provides some exemplars of quality health care. The writing assignment for this week asks you to draw upon both of these videosources, as well as the novel. Assignment questions for your written paper: For this assignment you are to write a paper which summarizes what you have learned in Modules 1 and 2 by answering the following questions: What are the five most important themes or content you learned? What is the significance of the information you learned? In other words, why do these things matter to your/our study this semester? What do the book and the videos have to do with better understanding of the U.S. health care system? In what way does the book corroborate or refute knowledge you have gleaned from previous experiences or study? If you were to tell a colleague about these resources, what would you communicate, and why? This assignment should be five to six pages in length, excluding a cover page, abstract, and reference page. You should use relevant headings and subheadings for your paper. The APA style of headings named as Methods, Findings, etc. does not apply here, but you may use the questions below to guide you in creating brief, meaningful headings. You will be graded on compliance with APA style. You will submit your paper to the Turnitin(R) Dropbox in the Module 2 folder so you can obtain an originality score. You will be allowed to resubmit the paper during Module 2 until you get an acceptable Turnitin(R) score. Grading Rubric for Written Papers Overview-WrittenPaperRubric.pdf Turnitin(R) is a tool to evaluate the originality of your work. Please review the Course Syllabus, Student Handbook, and other resources on plagiarism and writing requirements. When you upload your paper into Turnitin(R), you will receive an score represented by a color (i.e. green, yellow, and red) indicating the degree to which your work does not represent someone else's written work. The requirement is that you will submit a paper that only has a green score, which means that 24% or less of the work appears somewhere else. If you have questions about this please discuss this with your instructor. You may modify and edit your paper and resubmit the assignment until you get the required green score up to the due date and time of the assignment. Be sure that your paper ends with a conclusion. Your paper should have an appropriate cover page, abstract page, and reference page according to APA style., 4. CULTURAL COMPETENCY SKILLS 4B2. Considers the role of cultural, social, and behavioral factors in the accessibility, availability, and delivery of public health services Understand the major initiatives of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and analyze the impact of these changes on the current delivery system