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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: topics of interest for dimension 1, CONCEPTS “the network of inferences that are or may be set into play by an act of categorization” (Bruner, Goodnow, and Austin 1956:244) concept mapping personal construction of knowledge models, THE SOFT DISCIPLINES OF SOCIAL SCIENCE , Roberto Unger sociology, anthropology, psychology, and – in a sense – law. a kind of retrospective rationalisation of what exists. SOCIAL CAPITAL, BUSINESS TOPICS I HAVE EXPLORED CAPABILITIES, WRITERS HAVE INSIGHT INTO THE HUMAN CONDITION PLATO ;ARISTOLLE MACHIAVELLI;SHAKESPEAR HARDY ; Dalai Lama XIV AUSTEN CARROLL, socrates plato aristotle dialectics ;ideals phenomena essence ;matter CONCEPTS “the network of inferences that are or may be set into play by an act of categorization” (Bruner, Goodnow, and Austin 1956:244), HUMAN VALUES DEVELOPMENT ???? organisational culture, BUSINESS TOPICS I HAVE EXPLORED SOCIAL ENTERPRISES, HUMAN CONDITION RELATED FIELDS OF MY INTEREST HUMAN VALUES DEVELOPMENT, HUMAN VALUES DEVELOPMENT ???? world view, SOCIAL CAPITAL topics communities of practice, PHILOSOPHIC IDEAS I HAVE SKIMMED META PHYSICS, HUMAN VALUES DEVELOPMENT ???? world values, HUMAN CONDITION RELATED FIELDS OF MY INTEREST CHILD /ADULT DEVEDLOPMENT, PHILOSOPHIC IDEAS I HAVE SKIMMED AESTHETICS, POLITICS COMMUNITY ACTIVISM engagement, HUMAN CONDITION RELATED FIELDS OF MY INTEREST resilience, THE SOFT DISCIPLINES OF SOCIAL SCIENCE , Roberto Unger sociology, anthropology, psychology, and – in a sense – law. a kind of retrospective rationalisation of what exists. ROLES/PERSONAS, BUSINESS TOPICS I HAVE EXPLORED STAKEHOLDER MAPPING, SOCIAL CAPITAL topics volunteering, SOCIAL CAPITAL topics social dimensions of learning