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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: PlanningCycle, compare what is in your area to Other Places in Chicago, or around the world, Build A List. Prioritize. Build agreement. ???? Do The Planning. Find the talent, dollars & needed resources., Other Places in Chicago, or around the world What types of programs or services are in different places that might benefit our own youth and community? Build A List. Prioritize. Build agreement., Other Places in Chicago, or around the world What types of programs or services are in different places that might benefit our own youth and community? Engage Youth in Process, Other Places in Chicago, or around the world What types of programs or services are in different places that might benefit our own youth and community?, Do The Planning. Find the talent, dollars & needed resources. and Engage Youth in Process, Do The Planning. Find the talent, dollars & needed resources. Implement, Collect data. Evaluate. Read the articles about learning and network building on this blog. http://tutormentor.blogspot.com/2015/04/what-if-1-of-election-spending-were.html Every person who shares these ideas helps expand the network of people who get involved and stay involved in providing solutions to poverty in one or more places. As one person learns to hack these ideas in their own efforts, they become a leader who then mobilizes others, rather than a bystander who hoping others “will solve the problem” or who thinks they can build a wall that keeps them and their family safe and not affected., compare what is in your area to Engage Youth in Process