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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Easter western enceph and Venezu enceph VF, Freedom Free country or zone OIE definition VEEV: chap 12.11.2, Passive surveilance Clinical suspicion Official confirmation, Eastern/Western/Venezuelian encephalitis Scenarios Freedom, Eastern/Western/Venezuelian encephalitis Scenarios Early detection, Early detection Surveillance Passive surveilance, Freedom Individual animals freedom from infection prior to movement CODA-CERVA, Early detection ???? Control measures map, Freedom ANSES Virus neutralization test, Spread CODA-CERVA PCR, Eastern/Western/Venezuelian encephalitis Diagnostic assays Literature review, Eastern/Western/Venezuelian encephalitis Scenarios Importation, Virus neutralization test (differenciate WNV,JEV,EEEV,WEEV,VEEV) If positive Virus isolation, Freedom Free country or zone OIE prescribed assays, Eastern/Western/Venezuelian encephalitis Diagnostic assays Commercial kits, 3 specific PCR confirmation Sequencing, Early detection Surveillance OIE recommandations, Eastern/Western/Venezuelian encephalitis Scenarios Spread, Official confirmation ANSES Virus neutralization test (differenciate WNV,JEV,EEEV,WEEV,VEEV), Importation Live animals Guarantee healthy animals before importation via veterinary certificate, Passive surveilance Clinical suspicion OIE prescribed assays