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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Enriquezconceptmap, Facebook users associated with the researcher Sample 50 facebook users associated with the researcher, Punishment ???? Authorities should adopt a "get tough" attitude with repeat offenders, Satisfactory performance ???? Criminal jsutice system works reasonably well the way it is now, Punishment ???? Criminals should be punished for their crimes in order to make them repay their debt to society, Punishment ???? IF lawmakers would make tougher laws agianst crime, we wouldn't have so many criminals, Rehabilitation The current trend in diverting peeople from prison to rehan progams should continue, Those who have watched a criminal mini-series(about wrongful conviction) Will have a more negative perception of the judicial system DV Perception of the Judicial system, Those who have watched a criminal mini-series(about wrongful conviction) Will have a more negative perception of the judicial system IV Particpants who have or have no seen criminal mini-series, Satisfactory performance ???? Police,Courts,and corrections are seeing ways to improve, Satisfactory performance ???? Criminal justice system devotes much of its energy to preventing people from repetitive crimnal acts, Facbook users in the US Frame Facebook users associated with the researcher, Attitudes Toward Crime Survey Rehabilitation, What impact do criminal mini series have on the general public's opinion on the judicial system Sampling population Facbook users in the US, What impact do criminal mini series have on the general public's opinion on the judicial system Hypothesis Those who have watched a criminal mini-series(about wrongful conviction) Will have a more negative perception of the judicial system, Rehabilitation ???? we;re wront to think the only thing we can do for cirminals is throwthem in jail, Punishment ???? Most of those who advocate leniant treatment of criminals do not attach sufficient weight to the seriousness of the crim they commit, Attitudes Toward Crime Survey Punishment, Perception of the Judicial system Operationalization Attitudes Toward Crime Survey, Rehabilitation ???? if judges would divert more ppl from prisonsto rehab program there would be less time, Rehabilitation ???? If social scientist/lawmakers would get together more often we would have an improved cCJS