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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Materials for wrriting, was adopted by many countries, includirig Cubing involves visualizing a three-dimensional block., Materials for writing was the case of the Runaway Bandwagon? PART TWO Materials for writing - what is happening in practice? The influence of sorne ELT methodologies on writing tasks, Sorne people may still argue that people who totally depend on the computer keyboard may soon have very poor handwriting skills, PART ONE Post-revolution schools of thought: Anarchy and arder The Revolution in the Teaching of Writing, PART ONE The shifting trends in writing instruction that came from research Current ideas, ALM gave birth 1. transforming sentences, believe that the large amount of time they spent editing students' essays was teaching, The influence of different schools of thought on writing instruction techniques for freewriting includirig, based ?on the psychological principies, teachers in the writing component by providing guide lines, ALM Was the dominant approach to teaching ESL, Process Approach Process-oriented activities engaged students in the cognitive processes that they would need in writing, The Structural Syllabus task for controlled writing? Free Writing, Cognitiva School was quite the opposite from the E.S proposing strategies for teachers to teach learner writers., ALM Was based, new schools of thought took different beliefs, PART ONE The early years and the influence of methodologies on writing task development: The case of the Audio-Lingual Method (ALM) The Structural Syllabus, PART ONE Asia 1960 believed, Materials for writing was the case of the Runaway Bandwagon? PART TWO The influence of different schools of thought on writing instruction