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Questa Cmap, creata con IHMC CmapTools, contiene informazioni relative a: Royal Family, David, Viscount of Linley 1961 sons Margarita Armstrong -Jones 2002, Henry, Duke of Gloucester ______ ????, Carlo, Price of Galles sons William, Duke of Cambridge 1982, Queen Elisabeth II 1926 sons Andrew, Duke of York, Annie, royal Princess 1950 sons Zara Phillips 1981, King George V sons George, Duke di Kent, Lady Sarah Armstrong - Jones 1964 sons Arthur Chatto 1999, David, Viscount of Linley 1961 sons Charles Armstrong - Jones 1999, George, Duke di Kent ______ ????, Lady Sarah Armstrong - Jones 1964 sons Samuel Chatto 1996, Andrew, Duke of York daughers Beatrice, Princess of York, William, Duke of Cambridge 1982 sons Charlotte 2015, King George V sons Henry, Duke of Gloucester, William, Duke of Cambridge 1982 wife Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, Andrew, Duke of York daughers Eugenie, Princess di York, Queen Elisabeth II 1926 daughter Annie, royal Princess 1950, Edward, Earl of Wessex sons Lady Louise Windsor, King George V sons King George VI 1895 - 1952, King George V sons King Edward VIII, Queen Elisabeth II 1926 sons Carlo, Price of Galles