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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: MERCADOS GLOBALES EMERGENTES, THE BRICS India The main destination country for outsourcing, especially in the technology sector., THE BRICS China Promote new ideas on development and modernization by presenting African states with new model alternatives, THE BRICS Brazil The demographic growth is 17.74%, with a global population of 2.78%, a territorial extension of 8,358,140 km2 and a global extension of 6.44%., THE BRICS China The demographic growth is 9.01%, with a global population of 18.41%, a territorial extension of 9,388,211km2 and a global extension of 7.24%., THE BRICS Joint El crecimiento demográfico de los BRICS es 14,60%, con una población global de 41,65%, una extensión territorial de 38.309.501 km2 y una extensión global de 29,53%., THE BRICS Brazil The combination of rapid economic growth and progressive policies and social security., THE BRICS I know Distinguished by simultaneously fulfilling several characteristics, THE BRICS India The demographic growth is 24.98%, with a global population of 17.78%, a territorial extension of 2,973,190 km2 and a global extension of 2.29%., THE BRICS About Of developing countries of great economic size, growing weight in the world economy and high potential., References 1 Orgaz, L., Melina , L., & Carrasco, C. (2011). El creciente peso de las economías emergentes en la economía y gobernanza mundiales de los países BRIC. https://repositorio.bde.es/bitstream/123456789/6298/1/do1101.pdf, THE BRICS China GDP reached double digits with more than 10% of the world total in 2011 and more than 15% in 2017, while in 2011 it exceeded 24%., References 2 https://www.ig.com/es/estrategias-de-trading/-que-significa-paises-brics--190208#:~:text= las%20energ%C3%ADas%20renovables.-,Las%20caracter%C3%ADsticas%20de%20los% 20pa%C3%ADses%20BRICS,en%20mayores%20oportunidades%20y%20competitividad., THE BRICS Factors Rapid growth potential., THE BRICS China Its economy is much higher than that of the other three countries and without its presence the articulation of the BRIC group would have no chance of success., THE BRICS Brazil It is a market that offers great opportunities. the demand for its tourist attraction is high as in other countries in this group, but its long-term stability is provided., THE BRICS Russia Formally a democracy, albeit with a growing hollowing out., THE BRICS Share Common experiences negatively affected by the periphery of a world system., Promote new ideas on development and modernization by presenting African states with new model alternatives Also With increasing amounts of development assistance resources being made available., THE BRICS India Has acquired new capacities in the projection of its interests abroad., THE BRICS Are All of them countries of systemic importance for the world economy.