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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Kumu based concept maps, In this 2009 article I introduce Valdis Krebs and social network analysis. His "Know the Net; Nudge the Net" statement has influenced my work and is the foundation for ideas shared on this concept map. ????, ..... because I want researchers to use those tools to share the information in the library I've built since 1993 open links under each graphic, Kumu is a tool to support systems thinking. Open link and find many articles I've written that focus on this tool of solving complex problems. ????, Could someone be inspired by the Kumu projects I've shown in this concept map and in my articles, to take on the role I described in my February 2024 article? to do this, ..... because I want researchers to use those tools to share the information in the library I've built since 1993 open links under each graphic, These are two examples of using Kumu to share information in libraries, or collections of articles, videos, etc. mapping libraries, These are two examples of using Kumu to share information in libraries, or collections of articles, videos, etc. I've used cMapTools since 2005 to map my library. It's easy to use, but not with the interactive features of Kumu., what if If a comprehensive library of projects supported by current and former pro athletes were available, it would be a resource to help each do better work, and to help future athletes build their own involvement., I started looking at mapping projects done using KUMU.io around 2014. Open links under each graphic. At the bottom of each article I point to additional Kumu-made projects. Kumu.io examples, this Kumu project by Morgan Willis is an example of what's possible. F2023IFA World Cup, These are two examples of using Kumu to share information in libraries, or collections of articles, videos, etc. mapping libraries, ..... because I want researchers to use those tools to share the information in the library I've built since 1993 open links under each graphic, I started looking at mapping projects done using KUMU.io around 2014. Open links under each graphic. At the bottom of each article I point to additional Kumu-made projects. Kumu.io examples, Could someone be inspired by the Kumu projects I've shown in this concept map and in my articles, to take on the role I described in my February 2024 article? Use this example F2023IFA World Cup, ???? This article also introduces Gene Bellinger, who has demonstrated uses of relationship maps since we first me around 2011., These are two examples of using Kumu to share information in libraries, or collections of articles, videos, etc. I've used cMapTools since 2005 to map my library. It's easy to use, but not with the interactive features of Kumu.