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This Concept Map has information related to: map10December, Social Structure (80% peasant) Low literacy Working classes want more equality Opposition - The Rise of Socialism, Problems of governing Russia in 1894 Inefficient - lack of money Weak, undeveloped industry, Weak agriculture Stolypin Reforms RESISTANCE FROM PEASANTS - too risky leaving commune Figes predicts 100 years needed, Split between Opposition Duma dissolved 4 times -appointment of Goremykin 'DAMN THE DUMA!' TSAR IS STILL ESSENTIALLY IN CONTROL, Opposition - The Rise of Socialism Concessions following 1905 revolution Split between Opposition, Weak agriculture Stolypin Reforms Stolypin's Assastination, Opposition - The Rise of Socialism Rise in Industrial Class Strikes - leads to unrest, Weak, undeveloped industry Witte secures foreign loans Large industrial growth The 'Great Spurt', SRs and SDs Terrorism Police Response (Stolypin's 'necktie'), Autocracy - no Politics, Absolute Monarchy in contrast to the West, Orthodoxy losing power Compromise of Autocracy Duma