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Questa Cmap, creata con IHMC CmapTools, contiene informazioni relative a: RES technologies, crops can be food crop feedstock, ocean energy can provide thermal energy through Marine thermal technologies, offshore wind turbines can negatively impact maritime activities, heat extraction can be combined to constitute co-generation power plant, seawater heat pumps can generate underwater impacts, small wind turbines kW can be installed in urban areas, non-thermal processes include anaerobic digestion, transformation processes are carried out in biogas plant, high-enthalpy geothermal resources (°C) depend on availability of natural deep geothermal sources, Wave energy conversion technologies include overtopping systems, offshore solar farms need grid connection, underwater impacts can damage marine ecosystems, microalgae can be cultivated in photobioreactors, renewable energy technologies comprise ocean energy, mooring system can be designed as spar-buoy, different kinds of biomass include solid waste, wind turbines are classified as small wind turbines kW, solar energy is exploited by means of Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technologies, wind turbines can be designed as vertical axis wind turbines, air-pollutant emissions can worsen air quality