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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Permaculture in Higher Education, Certificates and Diplomas internationally Applied Diploma, permaculture degrees minors CSUS, Bachelors via An open university model which is: 1. values-based 2. interdisciplinary 3. self-directed using: 1. action learning 2. itinerant teachers, 1. Philosophy, ethics, society 2. Concepts and themes in design 3. Methods of design 4. Pattern understanding 5. Climatic factors 6. Trees and their energy transactions 7. Water 8. Soils 9. Earthworking and earth resources 10. The humid tropics 11. Dryland strategies 12. Humid cool to cold climates 13. Aquaculture 14. The strategies of an alternative global nation via An open university model which is: 1. values-based 2. interdisciplinary 3. self-directed using: 1. action learning 2. itinerant teachers, The Permaculture Academy curriculum Permaculture: A Designer's Manual, Bill Mollison in the form of The Permaculture Academy, supplementary courses for example gardening, Permaculture in Higher Education and, more recently Accredited Degrees, Permaculture Design Courses available worldwide in a range of formats weekend/ year-long, permaculture degrees majors self-designed, Accredited Degrees including degrees based on permaculture, supplementary courses for example urban, permaculture degrees majors Gaia University, advanced courses for example see Permaculture Diplomas, Permaculture Design Courses leading to advanced courses, stand-alone classes for example Antioch University, Seattle, Gaia University soon to offer Masters, Gaia University soon to offer Bachelors, Accredited Degrees officially proposed by Bill Mollison, The Permaculture Academy teaching "integrated design sciences"