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Function of x

To enter a function you can use previously defined variables (numbers, points, vectors, ...) and other functions.

Function f f(x) = 3x3 - x2
Function g g(x) = tan(f (x))
nameless Function sin(3x) + tan(x)

All internal functions (like sin, cos, tan, etc.) are described in the section about arithmetic operations (4.2.6).

There are commands to get the integral ([*]) and derivatives (4.3.11) of a function. You can also use f'(x), f''(x), f''(x), ...for the derivatives of a previously defined function f(x):

f(x) = 3x3 - x2
g(x) = cos(f'(x + 2))

Furthmore, functions can be translated by a vector (4.3.15) and a free function can be moved with the mouse.

Limit Function to Interval

In order to limit a function to an interval [a, b], please use the command Function (see 4.3.11).

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Markus Hohenwarter, 2005-03-15