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Numbers and angles

Numbers and angles use the sign . as decimal point.

number r r = 5.32

Angles are entered in degree (o) or radian (rad). The constant pi is useful for radian values.

  degree radian
angle alpha alpha = 60o alpha = pi / 3

GeoGebra does all internal calculations in radian. The symbol o is nothing but a constant for $ {\frac{{\pi}}{{180}}}$ to convert degree into radian.

Sliders and Arrow Keys

Free numbers and angles can be displayed as sliders on the drawing pad (see 3.2.10). By means of the arrow keys you may change numbers and angles in the algebra window too (see 4.1.2).

Limit Value to Interval

Free numbers and angles may be limited to an interval [min, max] (properties, 3.1.1). This interval is also used for sliders (siehe 3.2.10).

For every dependent angle you can specify whether it may become reflex or not (properties, 3.1.1).

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Markus Hohenwarter, 2005-03-15