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To introduce integrals GeoGebra offers the possibility to visualize lower and upper sums of a function as rectangles.

    f(x) = x^2/4 + 2
    a = 0
    b = 2
    n = 5
    L = LowerSum[f, a, b, n]
    U = UpperSum[f, a, b, n]

By chaning a, b or n (animation, 4.1.2; slider, 3.2.10) you can see the influence of these parameters. For the increment of n you should select 1 (right click on n, properties).

The definite integral can be shown as follows:

    Integral[f, a, b]

The antiderivative F is created using:

    F = Integral[f]

Markus Hohenwarter, 2005-03-15