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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: KEGAN ,ROBERT, Evolving Self: Problem and Process in Human Development by Robert Kegan Harvard University Press June 2006 OECD WORLD VALUES SURVEY http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org Jean Piaget ; Lawrence Kohlberg;Erik Erikson LEVEL 5 CAPABILITIES PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT In relationship, conflict, and leadership we set aside our illusion of knowing, rightness, and completeness. We are no longer trying to enrol others into our vision or way of thinking but see ourselves as the keeper of a context where dialogue can happen. We create opportunities for dialogue where the "truth" can emerge and even then we do not accept it as truth, but merely our best approximation for the moment. We pursue our visions and plans knowing that they are incomplete and stay open to their further evolution. In relationships, we surrender the notion of two complete selves having a relationship and refuse to see the self or the other as a single whole. In relationship now, both experience their multipleness. We engage in dialogue across differences to find understanding, accommodation, and cooperation. We can sustain differences within a broader context of respect for the multipleness of the whole. Differences are not to be eliminated, but understood as an opposite tendency within oneself Discord is seen as reflecting some inner intolerance within ourselves that is manifesting in the collective. In this time of opportunity and peril mentioned above, we think that the move to Level 5 is necessary if the future is to be a time of opportunity not peril Conflict is used for the transformation of all parties., Evolving Self: Problem and Process in Human Development by Robert Kegan Harvard University Press June 2006 OECD WORLD VALUES SURVEY http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org Jean Piaget ; Lawrence Kohlberg;Erik Erikson LEVEL 5 CAPABILITIES LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOUR Creates superb results, a clear catalyst in the transition from good to great. Demonstrates an unwavering resolve to do whatever must be done to produce the best long-term results, no matter how difficult Sets the standard of building an enduring great company; will settle for nothing less Looks in the mirror, not out the window, to apportion responsibility for poor results, never blaming other people, external factors, or bad luck Demonstrates a compelling modesty, shunning public adulation; never boastful Acts with quiet, calm determination; relies principally on inspired standards, not inspiring charisma, to motivate Channels ambition into the company, not the self; sets up successors for even greater success in the next generation Looks out the window, not in the mirror, to apportion credit for the success of the company—to other people, external factors, and good luck. leader is one among many.- a team operation and the leader is the holder of this context expands awareness to community / global harmony. The good of the whole is held as primary. Leaders see themselves as global citizens and act to enhance functioning at the planetary level. It does not attract attention to itself, but orchestrates the human collective’s capacity to create sustainable optimal futures., Evolving Self: Problem and Process in Human Development by Robert Kegan Harvard University Press June 2006 OECD WORLD VALUES SURVEY http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org Jean Piaget ; Lawrence Kohlberg;Erik Erikson LEVEL 5 CAPABILITIES ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURES The workplace/organization becomes a self-renewing organization where members are true participating partners. • The organization is seen as a network of stakeholders nested within a larger system of networks • Vision often becomes global and oriented toward service to human welfare. • Sustainability and long-term common good become salient values. Inter-dependent governance teams composed of peers replace hierarchical structure. Leadership is plural and trust, intimacy and community achieve synergy