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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: NETWORK ANALYSIS RESEARCH SUMMARY, Methodology socio centric & ego centric analysis Patterns of interaction used to explain: o Concentration of power o Flow of information or resources o Status structures Diversity Heterogeneity homophily; constraint provide access to different information, opinions, opportunities, etc. ess constraint is good Structural Holes• Lack of ties among alters may benefit ego • Benefits – Autonomy ;– Control;– Information Medici effect ???? Introduction to Ego Network Analysis Boston College and the Winston Center for Leadership & Ethics ©2008 Halgin & DeJordy Academy of Management PDW, KEY CONCEPTS purposes Peer support ;Organisational leadership;Policy influence ;Collective leadership Evaluation tools; seek technical advice ;organisational advice ;friendship Outcomes Innovation ;productivityknowledge management ;change management; resource sharing ; Standardization;.Structural equivalence Stages of development ; networks;communities of practice;systems of influence energy building ;energy sapping relationships Influencers ;core thought leaders ???? Social Network Analysis and the Evaluation of Leadership Networks1 Bruce Hoppe, Ph.D. Boston University and Connective Associates bruce@connectiveassociates.com Claire Reinelt, Ph.D. Leadership Learning Community claire@leadershiplearning.org, KEY CONCEPTS Antecedents - opportunity of time , place ,social status ,group size benefits choices/motivation linked to values -self interest ,belonging, independence ,interdependence Models -flows and architectures Characteristics explored cohesion;density;dynamics;transmission ;adaptation of novel ideas ;binding ; structural holes & cults centrality &control ???? Network Analysis in the Social Sciences Stephen P. Borgatti, Ajay Mehra, Daniel J. Brass & Giuseppe Labianca* Stephen P. Borgatti, Ajay Mehra, Daniel J. Brass, and Giuseppe Labianca Science 13 February 2009 323: 892-895 [DOI: 10.1126/science.1165821] (in Review), KEY CONCEPTS Capabilities Higher social capital higher job success; network weavers map the networks Strategic questions Who is /should beinvolved ; What do the do ;How do they connect ?& knit the networks Emergence by catalysing connections :Fragments to hub & spoke to multi hubs /small word to core /periphery ???? Building Smart Communities through Network Weaving by Valdis Krebs and June Holley Social Capital: the Key to Success for the 21st Century Organization By Valdis Krebs, orgnet.com, Evaluating Product Development Systems Using Network Analysis Shawn T. Collins,1, * Ali A. Yassine,2 and Stephen P. Borgatti3 University of Illinois University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506 © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. ???? The Design Structure Matrix (DSM) captures the structure of interactions, interdependencies and interfaces between physical system elements like subsystems and modules, product development teams, and information flow between project tasks