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Alternatives to castration in pigs.url Alternatives to castration Overview.url Animal welfare concerns.url AVMA Welfare Implications of Castration of Cattle.url banding.gif banding in calves.url boar anatomy.gif Bull Anatomy.jpg Calf complications.url CALFOLOGY.url castration.JPG Castration.cmap Castration of pig.jpg Consumer awareness.url Effect of age.url Elastor tool.gif emasculator.jpg Gas anasthesia used in conjunction with castration.url Health consequences.url Horse Castration approaches, techniques and complications in normal, cryptorchid and monorchid horses.url Immunocastration.url Immunocastration physiology.url Immunocastration practical implications.url Improve consumer acceptance.url Increase the proportion of fat in pigs.url Labour cost.url NADIS BURDIZZO.url Newbury knife.jpg OMAFRA BURDIZZO.url On line sorting.url Overview.url Pain and behaviour in relation to the acute response.url Pig castration combined with anasthesia.url Pig castration everything you need to know and more.url Post Op.url Pre-Op care Equine.url PreOp Equine.url Pre Op Equine.url Prevent unplanne breeding.url Reduce aggression in pigs.url Reduced growth rate and changed behavious post surgery.url stallion anatomy.jpg Surgical Castration.url Traditional castration of pigs with videos.url VetJournal Equine.url Video of stallion castration.url Video of standing castration.url YOUTUBE GOAT CASTR.url