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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: resources, ???? SenseAbility is based on cognitive-behavioural principles. This evidence-based approach says that our thoughts play a central role in influencing our feelings and our consequent behaviour. ????, MY EXPERIENCE I managed Families Matter under the guise of, KEY CONCEPTS they bare hedging their bets with CHANGES IN DEFINITION OVER TIME ????, MY CURRENT THINKING the tradition approach of targetting low ses is being severely challenged ????, MY CURRENT THINKING Victoria a a learning community ????, KEY CONCEPTS they bare hedging their bets with CHANGES IN DEFINITION OVER TIME, ???? SPONSORS ????, Education Resilience Model THIS NO LONGER AVAILABLE ????, ???? still pushing KEY CONCEPTS, ???? ???? Cost and Outcomes Model, KEY CONCEPTS RISK FACTORS, MY CURRENT THINKING newer models adopt a wholistic integrated approach ????, ????, ???? SenseAbility is based on cognitive-behavioural principles. This evidence-based approach says that our thoughts play a central role in influencing our feelings and our consequent behaviour. ????, KEY CONCEPTS PROTECTIVE FACTORS, MY CURRENT THINKING I CURRENTLY SUBSCRIBE TO THIS USA PROGRAM ON MENTAL HEALTH DRIVEN BY LEGISLATION BY DELIVERED LOCALLY NOTE THE ORGANISATIONS THAT ARE COLLABORATING TO DELIVER some of the best community engagement experts in USA ????, now subsumed under ????, ???? MAY HAVE MORPHED INTO THIS MY CONCERN LATEST RESEARCH QUOTED 1999??? ????, MY CURRENT THINKING WE HAVE GONE BEYOND TOP DOWN PUSH PROGRAMMING WITH ONE SIZE FITS ALL For practitioners to ensure effective practice application, the notion of resilience requires an in-depth understanding that: resilience involves complex processes of interrelated risk and protective factors at the child, family and community levels; resilience is not static and may fluctuate at different ages and developmental stages of the child; when utilising the concept, practitioners should be clear on how they are defining risk, protective factors and adaptive functioning; and the individual situation and needs of each child, and an understanding that no child is invulnerable, should be key considerations. The greater the number or chronicity of risks the child is exposed to, the less likely the child is to display resilient functioning (Vanderbilt-Adriance & Shaw, 2008).