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Activities for a Flipped Classroom.url Benefits of a Flipped Classroom for Teachers.docx Constructivist Hybrid Instruction.url Create real-life learning.url Data Cycles.url empowering student ownership.url Empowers teacher.url Examples.url Flip Classroom.url Flip Class Structure.url Flipped Lesson Example.url individualizes learning speed.url Individual time with student.url ISLT_9467 Flipped Classroom.cmap Lead, Don't Lecture.url Learn at different speed.url learning in flip class.url Metta.url Ownership of education.url Project Based Learning.url Real-life learning.url Reteaching Guidelines.url Sams, A.url Student responses to Flipped Classroom.url Students learn different.url traditional vs. authentic assessments.url Video commenting.url why collaboration important.url you tube.url