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An archive of one’s work, achievements, ideas, thoughts and feelings which reflect an individual’s intellectual, emotional and social developments.url A process for rapid turn-around for the capture, editing, instructional design and delivery of leading-edge information and research findings for working professionals.url A process for the capture, editing, instructional design and delivery of information and research findings for professionals.url A project-based course in which teams of students design and prototype educational multimedia applications or learning objects for on-campus courses.url Co-operative Learning Object Exchange.url E-merging Learning Workshop.url Flexible Learning EXperience Lab.url gaming.url Innovative Instructional Design.url Learning Objects and Repositories.url Learning Technology Innovation Projects.url LT3.url LT3(UW) terms.cmap LT3 Centre's instructional web developers support group.url Multimedia Educational Resources for Learning and Online Teaching.url Research and development related to reusable pedagogical [or learning design] patterns.url Tech Expo.url UW-ACE Instructional Resources.url UW Angel Course Environment.url Virtual and Physical Learning Spaces.url