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Org Culture Refs Org Learning References ADLT 623 Understanding Org Culture Part I.ppt A Framework for Market-Based Organizational Learning.pdf Amanda's version wtih articles.cmap Changing the Language of Change Marshak.pdf Cooperrider_Appreciative Inquiry_A Positive Revolution in Change.pdf.pdf creativity npo performance.pdf Cultures in Organizations Three Perspectives Schein.pdf Evolving Interpretations as Change Unfolds (Lynn Isabella).pdf Life Cycle Abstract.docx listening being a safe and accepting listener.DOC Mann Gulch Disaster (Weick).pdf Megan Practice CMap.cmap Megan Practice CMap2.cmap mission statement abstract.docx Organizational Learning Fall 2009.cmap Organizational Memory - Walsh.pdf Org Memory article -Walsh.pdf technology article.pdf The Tao of Change - Marshak article.doc thinker.jpg Three cultures of management schein.pdf TIME ABSTRACT.docx Triads for Reflector Mirror ADLT 623 Fall 2009.doc Using AI to build and enhance a learning culture.pdf Wide Open Management at Chaparral Steel_Gordon Forward CEO_lores.pdf Workplace Learning for the coming century.pdf