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Resources for MOOC_Bella_and_Candace 10 steps to a MOOC.url 2013-horizon-report-HE.pdf Coursera.url Coursera Website.url Create a MOOC.url edX.url edX Website.url Facilitating a Massive Open Online Course.url How open are MOOCs.url How open are MOOCs 1.url MOOC_Bella_and_Candace.cmap MOOC_Bella_and_Candace_Ver2.cmap MOOC_Bellas_version.cmap MOOC Project.cmap MOOCs and Open Education.url MOOCs and Open Education Implications for Higher Education.url soft_background_ver2.jpg The NMC Horizon Report.url The NMC Horizon Report 1.url Udacity.url What is a MOOC.url