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1 IEEE1451.cmap 93C86 DIP.bmp ADuC812.jpg An Overview of IEEE 1451.4 Transducer Electronic Data Sheets (teds).pdf Aplicación de medida y control distribuido.bmp Arquitectura IEEE 1451.jpg Cronograma TII.jpg Datasheet 93C86.url Datasheet MCP3201.pdf Descripción Pines uC.bmp Diagrama funcional MCP3201.jpg Diseño STIM.cmap Diseño STIM ADuC812.cmap Diseño TEDS.cmap Editor TEDS.cmap Editor TEDS (HBM).cmap Ejemplo STIM.cmap Ejemplo STIM PIC.cmap Encapsulado MCP3201.jpg Estructura.jpg Familia de standards.jpg Familia de standards 2.jpg IEEE.url IEEE.cmap IEEE 1451.X.cmap IEEE 1451 architecture.bmp IEEE 1451 Functional Block.bmp IEEE-P1451.2 Smart Transducer Interface Module.pdf image.jpg Implemtación ADuC812.jpg NCAP.cmap NCAP.url NI IEEE 1451.4.url NIST IEEE1451.url PIC16C62A.jpg Ref1.url Sensores inteligentes.cmap Sensor STIM.url SIGNAL CHAIN FROM ANALOG SENSOR TO DIGITAL NETWORK.bmp standard.url STIM.cmap STIM1.cmap STIM TII NCAP 812.bmp TEDS.cmap TEDS1.bmp TEDS2.bmp TEDS 8 secciones.cmap TEDS aduc812.txt TEDS Basic.bmp TEDS ejemplo.bmp TEDS Examples.gif TEDS NI.cmap TEDS Overview.cmap TEDS RTD Template.bmp TEDS Standard Templates.bmp TEDS Thermistor Template.bmp TEDS Thermocouple Template.bmp The PICmicro® MCU as an IEEE 1451.2 Compatible Smart Transducer Interface Module (STIM).pdf TII.cmap TII PIC.bmp uC003___The_ADuC812_as_an_IEEE_1451.2_STIM.pdf uCPIC16C62A.pdf Understanding IEEE 1451.pdf Unified Web Service.jpg