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BLUETONGUE.pdf BTV Immune statut post vaccination.jpg Epitools-BTV-surveillance and freedom 20 per cent prevalence.txt Epitools-BTV-surveillance and freedom 5 per cent prevalence.txt Fièvre catarrhale ovine en Europe du nord.url OIE - BTV Confirmation of clinical cases.jpg OIE - BTV Contribute to eradication.jpg OIE - BTV Individual animal freedom from infection prior to movement.jpg OIE-BTV Manual.url OIE - BTV Population freedom from infection.jpg OIE - BTV Surveillance.jpg OIE definition freedom.url OIE early detection.url OIE-early detection.url OIe- early detection.url OIE freedom.url OIE-Surveillance and definition.url RE 1266 2007.url RE 1266 definition.url RE 206 2010 BTV.jpg