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Annexes African Horse sickness (VF).cmap African Swine Fever VF.cmap Akabane.cmap Avian influenza VF.cmap Bluetongue VF.cmap Classical swine fever VF.cmap Contagious bovine (CBPP) caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP).cmap Easter western enceph and Venezu enceph VF.cmap EPIDIACAP.cmap Epizootic hemorrhagic disease VF.cmap Foot and mouth disease VF.cmap Haemorrhagic septicaemia.cmap Lumpy skin disease, sheep and goat pox VF.cmap Newcastle Disease VF.cmap Peste des petits ruminants VF.cmap Porcine deltacoronavirus VF.cmap Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea VF.cmap Rift Valley fever VF.cmap Schmallenberg VF.cmap Swine vesicular disease VF.cmap Vesicular stomatitis VF.cmap West Nile VF.cmap